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Living Weapon


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  On 9/8/2011 at 12:20 PM, PrettyMurky said:

Yeah, don't steal from Peter Molyneux! He is the only person EVER to have had this idea.


At last somebody agrees with me! :wub:

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  On 9/8/2011 at 1:52 PM, GoodfellowGoodspring said:

At last somebody agrees with me! :wub:

I'm sorry, I guess irony doesn't always come across as intended. Just in case anyone else was unclear:


Peter Molyneux is NOT the only person to have had this idea. As is the nature of human 'creativity', many similar ideas have come before, and presumably there are more to come; this is in no way a case of larceny, and any attempt to infer causal harm or loss, would be contrived. Here is a list of other, similar ideas.

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I LOVE the idea I have dreamed of a weapon like this ever sense I was like 5 (20 years ago XD). If you think about it in the grand scheme very little in games is truly original anymore I mean lord Dagon looked like Goro from Mortal Kombat to me just 100 feet taller, and red. I mean Bethesta makes a great game, and all but if you compare a lot of the RPG's are simmer in context infact almost all games have the same standers a good guy fighting evil to save the world. I am NOT complaining but would love to see the villain win a few times that's why my favearate fraction is the dark brotherhood
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why my favearate fraction is the dark brotherhood


I don't see them as "evil". They do the dirty work, they are not emotional connected to anything, and they get things done. It's not like they feel like killing a whole town for fun - which I consider evil.

Business is business, it only becomes evilness if emotions is involved. Yes, being bored count as an emotion here :P


On the subject:

It would be too clumsy to do this. Sure, we could make you 20 different models, each a small difference from the other, then control it with a script. However, the message that would pop up "removing X" "adding x" would be insanily annnoying.

If the scripting part could be done cleaner: Then it wouldn't be any problem. Any 3d artist and their dog can make a few basic swords, and any decent artist can make the more advanced one.

The only problem I can think of, is that people probably want some shiny effects with their weaponries. A bluish glow as a saint, a evil red glow as evil dude. There is limited people that got the software to make particles for Oblivion( Still not sure how it will go in Skyrim), and even less know how to do it. A few does, of course, but we all know there is a lack of people doing things for others at the moment. Due to the dead-time waiting for Skyrim.


I also like the concept. In most rpg/adventure games it seem you pick up generic boring weapons that everybody can get. Whilst NPC heroes 'always' got some kind of personal-unique weapon that have followed them for ages. This is mostly a weapon gained from raiding some kid of ancient tomb, crafted, or simply a sword that fits good. I really enjoy playing an RPG and feeling as that kind of "hero" in the end. Wielding a unique sword, killing like no tomorrow, doing what needs to be done.

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An evolving weapon is not as hard as you might think


I almost made my own (search Machaera on the forum if you can be bothered) but I got caught up in bigger, more promising projects.


First off, OBSE provides a "no spam" version of many functions like additem. That takes care of annoying messages.

Shaders are also simple. Sentient Weapon did it, so it would just be a matter of developing your own shader.


Like I said, I almost did it myself. Sadly, you will probably not find anyone to do it just 2 weeks before skyrim.



On the subject of evil, Evil is any act that goes against the rules of your social environment. Cannibalism strikes most of us as evil, whereas in Indonesia there are tribes who regularly perform cannibalism. It doesnt seem evil to them.

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  On 10/31/2011 at 4:26 PM, Matth85 said:
why my favearate fraction is the dark brotherhood


I don't see them as "evil". They do the dirty work, they are not emotional connected to anything, and they get things done. It's not like they feel like killing a whole town for fun - which I consider evil.

Business is business, it only becomes evilness if emotions is involved. Yes, being bored count as an emotion here :P





True the guild is not inherently evil but the members are another story. Take Gogun (think that's his name the Orc in Chadenhal) he seems to reveal in his possion. As I I BASK in the afterglow of mirder, and they PAY me for it. That's why Im not a fan of the thieves guild I can't kill on a jpb. I like killing in these games its my faverat sport I also LOVE the arena I jusgt wish it could go on forever I wish you could defent your tital show some young upstart you can still open a can on them

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"Simple" is relative. Building a shader, making quite a few models and being able to script with OBSE, is quite s lot to know. Most people specialize into 1 area, not 5.


And Evil is a misused word. Am i Evil if i break the

law by breaking into a store? No. Is cannibalism evil? No, just not accepted in our society.


Evil is what I'd call somebody who does something terrible for fun, or for personal gainage. A man killing his wife isn't evil, but mad. A guy killing 5 people for fun, is evil.


And in the subject: Is it the gun, or the shooter, you call criminal? The brotherhood is the gun, the people hiring them is the shooter. There is no feelings connected to a job.


This is, of course, meanings and is subjective.




P.S. This is written on an Iphone, so excuse any weirf format and/or grammatic errors.

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I'd love to see this. there happens to be one for fallout newvegas if that helps at all for those wishing to pick up this mod. the engine for both is similar right? so they should have the same capabilties regarding modding and such for the most part. the only thing about the NV mod is that it only evolved stat wise not visually and it wasn't like you start off with a generic looking wep and it would change with the character i was more like you choose one specific weapon in your inventory and it became your preferred wep and as you used it more it would grow based on your choises in how it grew. like if you choose deadly DPS would go up if you choose precision aiming would be easier and so on. the more you used the weapon the better it would become over time.
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