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Question: Making an underbarrel grenade launcher script


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Hello all,


I am looking to create a script that switches your weapon to use an underbarrel grenade attachment (essentially temporarily replace the weapon with a version that fires grenades). I have looked for guides/posts that detail this, but for some reason I can't find anything helpful.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this (or places where I could read up on how to do it?)


Thanks in advance!

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well, FOSE has script functions which should be able to help...I'm sure I've seen something like this as a FOSE based mod.

aside from that, well, you might be able to do something with a change in ammo type.

just make its ammo-lists include 25mm grenades or somesuch. or possibly a variant on them that actually references the projectile it needs to use.


so yes, very easy assuming I've got this right, but you might end up with a gun that seems to be firing its grenades out of its gun-barrel. it'll look fine if you're not watching too closely though.

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Here's a Rifle/Shotgun script I did for FO3, just playing around. You might start with something like this:


scn RHKShogunRifleScript 

Short iSetup 
Short ikey 
Short itoggle 
Float fhealth
short icurKey
float fTimer

BEGIN ONAdd Player

set fTimer to 2
set iSetup to 0


BEGIN Gamemode  

IF iSetup == 0
	if (fTimer < 0)			;timer prevents CTD
		IF fhealth == 0  
			Set fhealth to .95  
		Set ikey to 35 ;   H - press H key to switch
		Set iSetup to 1 
		set fTimer to ftimer - GetSecondsPassed

IF (itoggle == 0)	     
	IF (icurKey && IsKeyPressed icurKey)	;Makes sure key is only registered once
		set icurKey to 0

	IF (IsKeyPressed ikey)
		Set itoggle to 1
		Set icurKey to ikey

IF itoggle == 1
	Set itoggle to 0
	IF Player.getEquipped RHKWeapHuntingRifle == 1 
		Set fhealth to (Player.GetWeaponHealthPerc) / 100
		player.AddItemHealthPercent RHKWeapShotgunCombat 1 fhealth 1 
		player.equipitem  RHKWeapShotgunCombat 0 1 
		Player.removeitem  RHKWeapHuntingRifle 1 1 
	ElseIF player.getEquipped  RHKWeapShotgunCombat == 1 
		Set fhealth to (Player.GetWeaponHealthPerc) / 100
		player.AddItemHealthPercent  RHKWeapHuntingRifle 1 fhealth 1 
		player.equipitem  RHKWeapHuntingRifle 0 1 
		player.RemoveItem   RHKWeapShotgunCombat 1 1
		if (Player.GetItemCount RHKWeapShotgunCombat)
			Player.AddItemHealthPercent RHKWeapHuntingRifle 1 fhealth 1
			Player.RemoveItem RHKWeapShotgunCombat 1 1
		Player.EquipItem RHKWeapHuntingRifle 0 1				




Both weapons have this script on it.

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Thanks Ruadhan2300 and rickerhk!


I'll play around with this/try to figure it out a little bit. I think the hotswap is probably the best bet.


I also found an interesting option that Earache explained on another forum that I might look into.


Thanks again!

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