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fallout 3 player owned shop?


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If it is mainly about current shops not having enough caps to buy all your stuff, pretty sure there are mods to improve this.


I think there might even be console commands to give merchants more money. Also noting that (for my game, at least) 'Pirate Pely's Boats'n'Bait' has a buttload of caps (several thou, if I recall).


Assuming you don't chuck in adventuring to stay on premises 24/7, you will also need to get someone to run things for you - hopefully that person will be both competent AND honest.


well heres the thing. i dont like using console commands. especially to cheat like that. besides the oblivion mod makes it so that when the item sells an npc gets said item because they bought it. and because of that it appears in their inventory meaning all i have to do is look around till i find the same NPC that bought the item and there it is i can get it back either by stealing it or killing them or something along those lines. i dont like cheating but i will work for my caps you see. :P


W-e-l-l, some could argue that the whole thing of "Sell big to the merchant so I can rob it all back later" is kind of cheating too. Just sayin'.

sure if you call selling but not seeing who actually bought it then tracking them down in any random location they may be in at the time killing them and taking the items back cheating. sure thats totally cheating.....

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I'm sure there is a way to do it. What if you purchase or invest in a preexisiting shop, and you a discount plus the vendor pays you a fee (precentage from their base caps)?


I think that's possible.


You know I always though it was funny I drop 2k on the traveling cravans and they give me items that are worth about 200 caps

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well dusmi something like that already exists. that would be the new vegas trade center. its a great mod and its quite detailed. it allows you to purchase shares for preexisting stores and stuff and even buy enough shares of stock in each store that makes you the inevitable owner but i dont want to buy an already existing store. i want to start my own store from the gruond up. i mean cmon they can make mods that allow you to build your own base in detail placing guards around the place and stuff but they cant make something as simple as a personal shop? it makes no sense....
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