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7, BRAND NEW Pajamas.


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Alright, cool ALL your horses for a second before burning and pillaging me like its no mans land.


I want 7, BRAND new pajamas, simply, take the sexy sleepwear and skin it to what I detail below, also, feel free to add more if you want. *All of the items should be put as 'light' armor, the durability should be that of what I say it should be. [if I say metal, make the durability of metal, but keep the armor class as light.] All of the armor can be repaired by sexy sleepwears. The hat can only be repaired by a common hat, you choose.*


1.Bronze / copper pajamas.

These are basically the color of bronze or copper. Doc Mitchell's wardrobe. Has = durability to the sexy sleepwear. 10 caps.


2. Iron / Silver pajamas.

The color of Iron / Silver pajamas. Found in Novac, inside Dinny the Dinosaur behind the locked doors, feel free to put it in a bin. This should be tougher then bronze. So as tough as leather. Keep the category light. 100 caps.


3. Gold Pajamas.

Make them shimmer, if possible, the durability of metal armor. Keep category of light. Put in the Lucky 38 Casino, near the Golden Gloves. 1000 caps.


4. The Quantum Pajamas.

As the name implies, make them glow. I'd prefer them to be the color of Nuka Cola Quantum, put the brand name on the back of the collar. This should add a bonus to drinking sodas, such as when you drink a Nuka Cola, you get +100 H20 back to ya, minus what the drink already does. Stealth should be dropped accordingly and either Guns or Energy weapons should get a +10 bonus or so while wearing. Make it as tough as Leather Armor. Found in Repconn Test Site. 100 caps.


5. Dreaming Bachelor.

This pajama pair should be a rather nice color of pink, don't make it solid, add little splashes of red around the sleeves and the pants trim. Tough as Leather Armor Reinforce. Light category. Found in Camp Golf on a bed. 60 caps.


6. The Vault Pajamas.

Vault Tech GUARANTEED! Put in any vault, this will be = to sexy sleepwear. Put it in one that is relatively intact. Preferably, once you find that area, spread them all throughout the living quarters. This will be as good as naughty nightwear in stats and durability. 20 caps.


7. Safari Night.

Down under, we skin our zebrahs for clothing. Reads the tag from a Australia souvenir shop. Should look like zebra, make sure the bottom is distincally darker then the top.

For this one, put it in the Vault 22 hotel and make the main lass sell it. Make it leather = and not light, but medium armor. Put the value at about 30 caps.



Countin' Sheep.

A helmet that resembles a sheep, should cover all head. Adds a bonus of 30 to speech, and +1 charisma. Can be found in the Nellis air force base, near the ruined, collapsed buildings. Either A. Make a new place to put it into a crate or something. B. Put it on a table. Make sure you can SEE it when your near the buildings. Or C. Put it in a different area, maybe in the tops on a casino table? Worth 300 Caps.


Thanks to anyone who actually is THINKING of doing this, I will openly take any suggestion and change all of the above numbers. If you do this however, PLEASE reference me as the person who requested it, hell, put it in VERY small text, as long as my name is there, its just to recognize my idea was taken up. You can message me if you DO decide to take up my request, but other then that, just upload whenever you feel necessary, and I'll happily endorse AND like / track. Feel free to add any OTHER armors of your own cunning if you wish.



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