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Oblivion Faces?


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I need some help getting some nice, preferably high res faces, i've downloaded natural faces but it doesnt seem to make much of a difference, any tips or advice on how to make/import or whatever some really cool/cute faces?


I mean i love the bretons as a race but why do they all have to look like chimps ><

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I need some help getting some nice, preferably high res faces, i've downloaded natural faces but it doesnt seem to make much of a difference, any tips or advice on how to make/import or whatever some really cool/cute faces?


I mean i love the bretons as a race but why do they all have to look like chimps ><


I can totally relate to your situation, I was the same way with Nords... But I wasn't so attached to the actual race, and so, started looking at the

"Race" mods section. If you're looking for an actual human looking hero (or heroine as the case may be), I highly recommend checking this mod out: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38471.


Easily the best looking humanoid race (in my humble opinion) as far as facial features go. The hair styles are a bit limited though, but one can easily find one that suits your aesthetic needs!


As for stats and whatnot, you could always modify them yourself via the console, as I did.


Hope this helped...




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It's not that hard to make good-looking PCs if you have the right facial textures. I always use these two mods: Improved Facial Textures and Facial Textures by Enayla. Install them in that order and you'll immediately notice all characters look better, and it's much easier to make good looking PCs. With those textures, you can get a pretty good looking character just by doing a "Reset Face" and then sliding the Age and Complexion sliders.


One technique I used to make a character was to find an NPC I liked, then using Oblivion Face Exchange Lite to transfer their face to my savegame. Then I used the console and "showracemenu" to tweak them to my liking. For example, my current character is a female Breton whose face was based on Bernadette Peneles, a Breton who works at the Tamika vinyards near Skingrad. I used Face Exchange Lite to transfer her facegen data to a new savegame (making sure to check "Select Features" and then uncheck "Geometry Asymmetric Data"), made some tweaks, and came out with:




I like her, she doesn't look like most of the other characters I've made, and at the same time she actually looks like a real Breton.

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