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Help with scripitning & NPC


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I want to use the Robot PC Mod to make a NPC that is a robot, I want them to be "deactivated" and when out of combat they can be "activated" where they delete and are replaced by an identical robot that is a DOCTOR...


I can use the CAPTIVE script modified to do the activation, but I need help with the "deletion" and "replacement"

I managed to make a mostly-working companion so I think I can manage making a doctor using base game stuff, the base game script, and base game dialogue.



I also might add a "Old world Blues" or "dead money" (or both) expansion that adds some clutter AND a working Auto-doc... might need help

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I have done something similar with an NPC who develops a huge scar as the result of a player action. I created two NPC's, one with the scar and one without. In order to make sure they have the same dialog, I gave them the same voice type, put them into a custom faction, and in the dialog checks, I use the faction rather than an NPC ID. Then, to switch back and forth, I just use "npc1ref.disable" and "npc2ref.enable".


In my case this happens when I know the player is not in the room, so they cannot see any "blip" and I do not care if the new NPC is in exactly the same spot as the old one. In your case, you may want to add "npc2ref.moveto npc1ref" before disabling and enabling. If the player is directly looking at the robot, they may see the robot change facing. If that is distracting, you can probably check the facing of the previous one and set the facing of the new one.

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Thank's, I'll give it a shot.


Thing is a "twitch" will most likely happen cause the robot will be on the ground when deactivated and when activated it would probably be standing up. But that's fine in my opinion, as long as the DOCTOR part works correctly.


thank you.

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