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Combat Lock up


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this is a wierd one, everytime i go near a combat situation my character locks up and i cant fire, draw weapon, change weapon or access pipboy. i was fine earlier. i recently installed the game (2days ago) then got all available DLC added FOMM and then FOOK and started playing, ive completed the game on XBOX360 and wanted the mod experience, i have done the same with FO3 recently so wanted to try FONV as well, but this is not looking as straight forward. im still at goodsprings i defeated the powdergangers and now i cant go near anything hostile. does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? or have i just missed something that i should have installed first?
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Have you tried creating a new save? Your current save might be "bloated" so a new one might solve any errors. Some other things you might want to try are:


Run a program called BOSS to keep your mods in a correct load order


Make sure you get NVSE so that you can run a bunch of mods


Make sure you activate archive invalidation under tools in FOMM


Another things you might want to try is validating files through Steam:

1.Open Steam

2.Go to Library

3.Right Click <<Insert Name of Game Here>>

4.Click Properties

5.Click Local Files

6.Click Verify Integrity of Steam Cache

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