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Need some help with S.P.E.C.I.A.L. reditribution problem


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ok, really frustrated & if this isn't in the right discussion, I'm sorry.


I didn't want to have to go through all the beginning tutorial/talking stuff. so I loaded a game were I was level 4, and redistributed the special stats with the player.modav console commands.


Now when I go to the implant chick at the clinic, she says my higher brain functions are off the charts and wont do it. I only have 9 int, she must still think I have 10, what do i do !?


I'm hoping someone knows how to fix it

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The only two requirements for an implant are:


(1) You can have a maximum numbers of implants equaled to your unmodified stamina (the stamina implant doesn't count towards this)

(2) The SPECIAL you are trying to raise must be < 10


Did you double check in F1 -> SPECIAL that your intelligence is actually 9 or has it been increased by some other artificial means? If you aren't using any other artificial means such as drugs etc. the easiest solution would be to console your intelligence down, get the implant, then console it back to where you want it.

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