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My Mega Mod List


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Sure. I'll upload my active mod list in txt format. My current list is very different from the one I last posted. I'm just fixing all the bugs. Cyberlazy's LLO is a great mod but last time I checked it had some issues with Project Nevada and FOOk (Vendors, NPC's and Containers don't spawn with items from those mods. As a result either you disable LLO or you craft weapons by themselves with his craft pack). The next time I upload my list please note it may not work for everyone since I haven't fixed all the glitches yet and I've had very little time to work on FNV, but don't worry even when Skyrim comes out, I won't abandon FNV.
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Here my latest load order and userlist. Please be aware there are several game breaking bugs. Fake Fullscreen and 4gb enabler are both used. I also use the Configator.


NOTE Ahzteks weapon overhaul requires Caliber.esm. I looking for a workaround.


Have you tried going directly to the game folder under steam\steamapps\common and launch falloutNVlauncher.exe directly?



If I run the game like that, it will not run NVSE. Besides, I use Fake Fullscreen. Thanks to Gopher for mentioning it in his Modding Fallout Tutorials



Edit: why do some lines like 41 or 5B consist of grouped mods with the ++ sign, why not put then in seperate numbered lines?


They have been merged into the bashed patch




Text form Nexus464, Is this what you wanted?)


DON'T FORGET. You NEED a merged patch to get better compatibility. Look at Gophers tutorials.


Edited by shopsD
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Ahzteks weapon overhaul requires LLO+Case :)

At least, My patch of it does.

I will eventualy have a LLO Fook patch.


Theres also a new merged craft pack for shorter load order.


I might point out that multiple weapon/equipment mods do not work well togethor, and mergeing them, perticularly with fook, won't turn out well due to the way they handle leveled lists..


To that extent: I have been working on LLO, Or leveled list organizer, As I add mods to it, Each mod is compatible with every other LLO mod with just a simple automatic merger. (At least, for the leveled lists part of things, Other conflicts might still occure)


For best results, Do not merge Leveled List organizer.esp with other mods, and just let it override your merged patch.

Edited by Cyberlazy
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If I run the game like that, it will not run NVSE. Besides, I use Fake Fullscreen. Thanks to Gopher for mentioning it in his Modding Fallout Tutorials

I didnt know about the Fake Fullscreen thing.

Could you link his tutorial please? There could be more interesting stuff.

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Here my latest load order and userlist. Please be aware there are several game breaking bugs. Fake Fullscreen and 4gb enabler are both used. I also use the Configator.


NOTE Ahzteks weapon overhaul requires Caliber.esm. I looking for a workaround.


Have you tried going directly to the game folder under steam\steamapps\common and launch falloutNVlauncher.exe directly?



If I run the game like that, it will not run NVSE. Besides, I use Fake Fullscreen. Thanks to Gopher for mentioning it in his Modding Fallout Tutorials



Edit: why do some lines like 41 or 5B consist of grouped mods with the ++ sign, why not put then in seperate numbered lines?


They have been merged into the bashed patch





Userlist for 09-11-2011 (my latest userlist) is here [uSE THIS USERLIST]





Text form Nexus464, Is this what you wanted?)


DON'T FORGET. You NEED a merged patch to get better compatibility. Look at Gophers tutorials.


Active Mod Files:


00  FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]
01  DeadMoney.esm [CRC: D70F165B]
02  HonestHearts.esm [CRC: 2352B189]
03  OldWorldBlues.esm [CRC: 7F8F8225]
04  LonesomeRoad.esm [CRC: 30073D50]
05  ClassicPack.esm [CRC: 41F95714]
06  MercenaryPack.esm [CRC: D377B2B9]
07  TribalPack.esm [CRC: 0DE09873]
08  CaravanPack.esm [CRC: 228740D1]
09  GunRunnersArsenal.esm [CRC: 0AAC938D]
0A  IWS-Core.esm  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 95F88054]
0B  NSkies URWLified.esm [CRC: 47F8410D]
0C  Active Wasteland.esm [CRC: 056F963D]
0D  Advanced Recon Tech.esm [CRC: 868A8CC1]
0E  AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [CRC: 7AF7BE2D]
0F  Caliber.esm [CRC: F58A8012]
10  CFWNV.esm [CRC: A40BEE4F]
11  CHEMS.esm [CRC: D9A30EBC]
12  CINEMATECH.esm [CRC: 4080EE0F]
13  decwithreg.esm [CRC: 3E1EA0BC]
14  Detect Traps.esm [CRC: C3E1EE49]
15  FOOK - New Vegas.esm [CRC: 399F66D6]
16  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm [CRC: BA83E578]
17  Inventory Access.esm [CRC: C4A21B40]
18  Military NV Backpacks.esm [CRC: 31D195DD]
19  MoMod.esm [CRC: 68841B6B]
1A  AngelPark.esm [CRC: A1A912DE]
1B  Badlands.esm [CRC: CF200D3B]
1C  More Perks.esm [CRC: 28CE3B92]
1D  More Perks for Companions.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: D88B1E14]
1E  More Perks for Dead Money.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 129204A2]
1F  More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 25B6073B]
20  More Perks for Old World Blues.esm [CRC: B980D0D2]
21  More Traits.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 820E087D]
22  NVR-Strip.esm [CRC: 35B57DF8]
23  Primary Needs HUD.esm [CRC: D5F10B4D]
24  Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: BD5B18CC]
25  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 504C6F02]
26  Run the Lucky 38.esm [CRC: E5E76299]
27  RZW_Master.esm [CRC: 9AD0D61A]
28  RZW_Portables.esm [CRC: B095719E]
29  Selective Fire.esm  [Version 1.26] [CRC: 30D884C4]
2A  Tales from the Burning Sands.esm  [Version 1.22] [CRC: 0021886F]
2B  RHKGilbertCompanion.esm [CRC: A0ADEFC5]
2C  RustTownV1Master.esm [CRC: 87593F4B]
2D  DFB - Random Encounters.esm [CRC: 3EE86B95]
2E  War Never Changes.esm [CRC: 0AD08EE9]
2F  D.E.I.M.O.S..esm  [Version 1.05] [CRC: 27C33993]
30  Afterschool Special.esm [CRC: 52C2DA47]
31  Weapon Mod Expansion.esm [CRC: 43D90630]
32  WME - DLCs.esm [CRC: 5092BAC5]
33  WME - GRA Light.esm [CRC: EE318049]
34  CASE.esm [CRC: F14526BD]
35  Leveled List Organizer.esm [CRC: 237FB969]
36  Craft Master.esm [CRC: 7D9A811B]
37  Craft Pack.esm [CRC: 47655B02]
38  ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm [CRC: EC7EB1BE]
39  ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm [CRC: D4710960]
3A  aHUD.esm [CRC: 00D2CDA3]
3B  iHUD.esm [CRC: 46F2F170]
3C  Compiled Patch.esp [CRC: AF3455AF]
3D  Compiled Patch - DeadMoney.esp [CRC: 5A485BD9]
3E  Compiled Patch - HonestHearts.esp [CRC: EBBFAC8E]
3F  Compiled Patch - LonesomeRoad.esp [CRC: D6D70EA9]
40  Compiled Patch - OldWorldBlues.esp [CRC: 897E1CAA]
++  Compiled Patch - Gunrunners Arsenal.esp [CRC: 616574D8]
41  Compiled Patch All_DLCs.esp [CRC: 9522EAD0]
42  New Vegas Error Corrections - DLC + GRA.esp [CRC: C30C9F09]
43  CASM.esp [CRC: 0ECCEF43]
44  Bobblehunt.esp [CRC: 21F84F03]
45  DynamiCamera.esp [CRC: 9747DBBE]
46  HUD Extended.esp [CRC: A36B1E1E]
47  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.2] [CRC: CADD67E1]
++  MoMod-MCMMenu.esp [CRC: F4FDA9AE]
++  MoMod-NightSpawn.esp [CRC: 47ED4500]
++  AWOP-MoMod.esp [CRC: 6AB5444C]
48  Monster Mod Wasteland Edition.esp [CRC: A4F0771C]
++  IWS-MoMod.esp [CRC: 219C41D7]
49  AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp [CRC: 96441FD1]
4A  NVR-NPCs.esp [CRC: DEAE3309]
4B  GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp [CRC: F4C83EBB]
4C  Goodsprings Shack.esp [CRC: 796B1418]
4D  RustTownV1-1.esp [CRC: 6769AB1C]
4E  RustTownAdditions3.esp [CRC: A41C2CD1]
4F  Paradise Lost.esp [CRC: 4A59BA93]
50  SierraMadrev2.0.esp [CRC: 45903902]
51  The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [CRC: 1C697E31]
52  NVEC The New Bison Steve Hotel Patch - DLC + GRA.esp [CRC: 6C3DAA7A]
53  NVR-SMOTS-V2-Version_10.esp [CRC: 79FEFBC3]
54  SMOTS-EC patch.esp [CRC: 6E5183E9]
55  UHNV.esp [CRC: 67735941]
56  UHNV-Dead Money.esp [CRC: 9C6BA8E8]
57  UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: 88313DE3]
58  UHNV-OWB.esp [CRC: D74B6209]
59  UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp [CRC: 0D674F27]
5A  UHNV-Bobblehunt.esp [CRC: 9953C017]
++  UHNV-Chems.esp [CRC: 58CA6315]
5B  UHNV-More Mannequins.esp [CRC: 0B382168]
5C  UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp [CRC: 2B81245B]
5D  UWHNV-Core.esp [CRC: 0A7B46D7]
5E  UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp [CRC: 2363C3A0]
5F  UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp [CRC: 0A1876A2]
++  UWHNV-Addon-CHEMS.esp [CRC: 486213E3]
60  UWHNV-Addon-GRA.esp [CRC: F7973C29]
61  FOOK - New Vegas.esp [CRC: 390CC52C]
62  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp [CRC: C68936A0]
++  NVEC FOOK Patch - DLC + GRA.esp [CRC: 64A62E85]
++  CFW-FOOK-DLC.esp [CRC: 4EF81905]
++  CFW-DLC.esp [CRC: 0ADC862B]
63  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 0B42D351]
64  Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp [CRC: 507ADFFB]
65  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: E6D45D29]
66  Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp [CRC: 8E3BDE15]
67  enclaveradio.esp [CRC: 425B4D91]
68  Existence2.0.esp [CRC: D68CBE17]
69  CONELRAD 640-1240.esp [CRC: 459B35C5]
6A  Radio Free Christmas.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: 577A034D]
6B  Radio Free Wasteland.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: FB058042]
6C  SecretStash80.esp [CRC: 8D77C43E]
6D  Goodsprings Filler.esp [CRC: 2221791D]
6E  Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp [CRC: 43616A23]
6F  NewVegasBounties.esp [CRC: A5BD47FE]
70  TheCollector.esp [CRC: 33A02DB6]
71  Story of ol' McCartney.esp [CRC: EF86BD2C]
72  War Never Changes - Seven.esp [CRC: C5A6796E]
73  00 red cross.esp [CRC: 8AE09DAA]
74  War Never Changes.esp [CRC: 8F3403A3]
75  More Perks Update.esp [CRC: 3A68986B]
76  More Perks for Companions Update.esp [CRC: 3321EC32]
77  More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp [CRC: 5CC6B9FD]
78  More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp [CRC: CF1527F2]
79  More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp [CRC: 7E701274]
7A  More Traits Update.esp [CRC: 62C8F5A5]
7B  BR - Traits and Perks.esp [CRC: 08D66602]
7C  NVEC More Perks Patch - DLC + GRA.esp [CRC: C0EFF4C9]
7D  Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp [CRC: 9814C7E8]
7E  Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp [CRC: 7E6A5293]
7F  Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp [CRC: E57B8DE7]
80  Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp [CRC: FB947D9E]
++  Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp [CRC: 88489CB5]
++  Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp [CRC: 09F874C2]
81  BankCard_Script.esp [CRC: ADC5CCB2]
82  CasinoBankMoney.esp [CRC: 89288D0C]
83  FNV-PC idles.esp [CRC: 9D267506]
84  Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp [CRC: 5924E3C9]
85  Detect Traps - DLC.esp [CRC: 5A538E0B]
86  IWS-Core-Patrols.esp  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 130095C3]
++  IWS-Core-Guards.esp  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 4ED8332C]
++  IWS-Core-Civilians.esp  [Version 1.9] [CRC: F181B6D1]
++  IWS-DM.esp [CRC: E0B4B2DE]
++  IWS-HH.esp [CRC: 4E8F7F3F]
++  IWS-OWB.esp [CRC: A51648ED]
++  IWS-LR.esp [CRC: EA2114EB]
87  populatedcasino.esp [CRC: 9EAE96FF]
88  PortableCampsite.esp [CRC: 1E204AEB]
89  SaveCass.esp [CRC: 37A0B785]
8A  CHEMS - Benches.esp [CRC: 893A8083]
8B  CHEMS - Basic Chems.esp [CRC: C2B55F26]
8C  Advanced Recon Gear.esp [CRC: 5F566502]
8D  Advanced Recon Tech.esp [CRC: DCCF98ED]
++  Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp [CRC: 59C7CE06]
**  Ahzteks Weapon Overhaul.esp [CRC: 9E949A66]
8E  Survivalist Crossbow-Surv.esp [CRC: D08D967B]
8F  Advanced Recon Armor.esp [CRC: 42938886]
90  Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp [CRC: 1DB3843C]
91  Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp [CRC: ABADC5B0]
92  FlashlightNVSE.esp [CRC: A02F6A0B]
93  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: A1D75EE9]
94  AngelParkRemix.esp [CRC: 8AE25D4C]
95  DFB - Random Encounters - Angels Park.esp [CRC: 0EE1BD35]
++  Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp [CRC: 98E0FB64]
96  Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp [CRC: 6A2C8E03]
97  Neckchains.esp [CRC: 576BA5DA]
98  Craft Pack-Equipment Breakdown.esp [CRC: C923C25B]
99  Craft Pack-Chemicals.esp [CRC: AC6C4274]
9A  Craft Pack-Misc.esp [CRC: BE17CB20]
++  Craft Pack-Reloading Rebalance.esp [CRC: 6B6638F2]
9B  Craft Pack-Primer Craft.esp [CRC: F09933EC]
9C  Craft Pack-Companions.esp [CRC: 8C4BF160]
9D  Craft Pack-Basic Craft.esp [CRC: 37282EE6]
++  LLO-CASE Patch.esp [CRC: 0CF476A4]
9E  LLO-CFWNV Patch.esp [CRC: B5309BF6]
++  LLO-CFWNV Merged Patch.esp [CRC: 0F34B643]
9F  CASE-Rebalance.esp [CRC: A68ADE4C]
++  Leveled List Organizer.esp [CRC: D41A906A]
A0  Nuka Beer.esp [CRC: E10DDFCB]
A1  Powered Power Armor.esp [CRC: 1A1950FD]
A2  FairyRadar.esp [CRC: AF316B00]
A3  THE5 Visors Mod.esp [CRC: 13EEE7F6]
A4  Mercy Killing Karma v2.0.esp [CRC: 25741BE9]
A5  Companion Sandbox Mode.esp  [Version 2] [CRC: D3B554B6]
A6  NVWillow.esp [CRC: 51139505]
A7  NVEC NVWillow Patch - DLC + GRA.esp [CRC: 821C9A47]
A8  behemoth.esp [CRC: 10F97A39]
A9  RHKCompanionCure.esp [CRC: FB138BB0]
AA  RWKNV.esp [CRC: 53F34E2E]
AB  dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [CRC: F952686A]
++  dD-More Gore.esp [CRC: CEF59EF5]
AC  Jump Fall Fixer.esp [CRC: 3FEF47CB]
AD  LFox Bottle That Water.esp [CRC: 1BE298E2]
++  UWHNV-Addon-Bottle That Water.esp [CRC: 1F31C633]
AE  AnimatedIngestibles_0_5.esp [CRC: 04EE34CA]
AF  Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp [CRC: E0147848]
++  Weapon Mod Expansion.esp [CRC: 419E4D02]
B0  Project Nevada - WME.esp [CRC: BC51B676]
B1  WME - FOOK.esp [CRC: D9E7CFC7]
B2  WMR_WME_R.esp [CRC: 89CFFCE9]
++  WME - FOOK DLCs.esp [CRC: DC02B681]
B3  EVE FNV.esp [CRC: C9DF79C3]
B4  Project Nevada - EVE.esp [CRC: 23A5C777]
++  WMEVE.esp [CRC: 943BA30D]
++  WME - DLCs.esp [CRC: D06CE844]
++  WME - GRA Light.esp [CRC: 7B78CEB0]
B5  CASE-Honest Hearts Patch.esp [CRC: 8CF5FFBB]
++  CASE - DLC.esp [CRC: EC02CD49]
B6  Craft Pack-Equipment.esp [CRC: A3BE75FD]
B7  Craft Pack-Ammo.esp [CRC: 88D30861]
B8  AG Melee Mods.esp [CRC: CF95F357]
B9  Mail Order Catalogs.esp [CRC: A4A5330B]
BA  Mail Order Catalogs Hardcore.esp [CRC: E5B6BFFF]
BB  Mail Order Catalogs DLC01.esp [CRC: 7896951A]
BC  Mail Order Catalogs DLC02.esp [CRC: 6166173D]
BD  The Weapon Mod Menu.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: 23850A67]
BE  FNVEnhancedShaders - AA-DOF Enable.esp [CRC: 62634FFD]
BF  SimpleStreetLights.esp [CRC: F98655EA]
C0  Bathing Mod.esp [CRC: A8A05C7A]
C1  New Vegas Trade Center.esp [CRC: E0A1C31A]
C2  DriveableMotorCycle.esp [CRC: 72C3CF90]
C3  RZW_VideoCollection.esp [CRC: B5C597B3]
C4  RZW_BookCollection.esp [CRC: EB31292E]
C5  RZW_SimpleGrab2.esp [CRC: 152E0C95]
C6  RZW_RecordCollection.esp [CRC: FFEC5072]
C7  Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Combined.esp  [Version 6.1] [CRC: AD505917]
C8  ILO-RI-Rust Town.esp  [Version 1.1] [CRC: 5AF28730]
++  NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp [CRC: 7336897E]
C9  NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp [CRC: 425271A8]
CA  NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp [CRC: 8C95A5D6]
++  ILO-RI-PipBoy Light.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: DBC9AA70]
CB  DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp [CRC: 462177C5]
CC  ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp [CRC: 7BF2DE7D]
CD  Directors Chair.esp [CRC: C0948F9D]
CE  FPSWeaponWheel.esp  [Version 1.13] [CRC: F67E1C9D]
D0  CustomLighting.esp [CRC: 8649B532]
D1  FNNsysNV.esp [CRC: 395B34EE]
++  UWHNV-Addon-Time for Bed NV.esp [CRC: 02401A89]
D2  NVEC Compiled Patch PATCH.esp [CRC: 5848ED26]
++  Ultimate Merged Patch.esp [CRC: 02832952]
D3  Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: 15FF957F]




Thanks a lot, that's exactly what I wanted, a neat text file to work with as a reference.


One question please, I see a lot of players use what you call "a fake full screen" which is a windowed mode but with no borders, what are the benefits from that? I even found in skyrimnexus that one of the first mods is a borderless windowed mod.

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Games where programmers did not do everything required on alt tab (Ie, Most of them..) or just buggy video drivers commonly cause crashs when alt tabing into/out of a 3d program in full screen mode. Less common in recent years, it used to be about a 10~50% chance depending on game/video card that it would crash on alt tab. (Not to mention, Some games take a very long time to load back up once you alt tab back to them)


"Fake full screen" makes the program not minimize when alt tabed out of, so nothing has to be done programming wise to make alt tabs work correctly, so its much more stable.

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Games where programmers did not do everything required on alt tab (Ie, Most of them..) or just buggy video drivers commonly cause crashs when alt tabing into/out of a 3d program in full screen mode. Less common in recent years, it used to be about a 10~50% chance depending on game/video card that it would crash on alt tab. (Not to mention, Some games take a very long time to load back up once you alt tab back to them)


"Fake full screen" makes the program not minimize when alt tabed out of, so nothing has to be done programming wise to make alt tabs work correctly, so its much more stable.



Thanks, now I understand why they say


-ALT+TAB may cause some game instability with some hardware configurations and is not advised."


in the text file that came with update 1.1 to TES Skyrim.

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I've been away for a while. The reason for that is simply Skyrim. As most of us already know, the Nexus Mod Manager was recently released (in beta as far as I can tell). I'm officially going to start using that instead of FOMM. I'll still use Wrye Flash though. So far I'm going to use the Nexus Mod Manager to reinstall most of my mods for easy updates and such.


Just one small problem. (I'm not sure which thread exactly it should be in so I'll post my problem here). On the Nexus sites for Fallout and TES, the links "DOWNLOAD WITH MANAGER" don't work. They do absolutely nothing. This is in Opera, Chrome, IE9, Firefox and Safari. Anyone know why? How can I fix this and if this should be in a different thread, let me know.





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