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Increase Max Production per Settler


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So I'm assuming WorkshopMaxProductionPerNPCFood is the variable that affects how much food any npc in your settlement can farm, which is set to 6. I tried changing this in the GECK, but it did not seem to do anything. I must be missing something.


However, we could attribute that to my limited knowledge of changing global variables via GECK. Most of my personal mods are general crafting mods, using Fallout 4 assets. I attempted to use console, as well.


set WorkshopMaxProductionPerNPCFood to 12


However, this also showed no effect. Oh, woe is me.

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Seems that this variable you're pointing goes only to the tutorial... as far as i know the settlement count are actor values, at least the defense one is an actor value, but idk how they're made into the settlers

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Open up CC.
In object window, select "Character" then "Quest"


Find "Workshop Parent", open/edit it

Use the arrows to go all the way to the end (right) "Scripts" tab

You should see "workshopparentscript" listed in the left pane.

Double click it to open

at the very top, click "workshopRatings"


In right pane, right click top entry (#0) "edit properties", double click, or right click/edit properties


Now you're where you want to be.


Third line down "maxProductionPerNPC", double click or right click/edit, change from 6 to whatever you want.

(I chose 10, as it seems reasonable)


Hit ok, save to a new esp, you should see it changed in game (you may have to re-assign a settler for it to re-register).


It worked for me on an existing save anyway (no new start needed, that I can tell)

I think this will also apply to guarfposts, but I haven't really investigated, since I don't usually utilize them

Edited by fud
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Open up CC.

In object window, select "Character" then "Quest"


Find "Workshop Parent", open/edit it

Use the arrows to go all the way to the end (right) "Scripts" tab

You should see "workshopparentscript" listed in the left pane.

Double click it to open

at the very top, click "workshopRatings"


In right pane, right click top entry (#0) "edit properties", double click, or right click/edit properties


Now you're where you want to be.


Third line down "maxProductionPerNPC", double click or right click/edit, change from 6 to whatever you want.

(I chose 10, as it seems reasonable)


Hit ok, save to a new esp, you should see it changed in game (you may have to re-assign a settler for it to re-register).


It worked for me on an existing save anyway (no new start needed, that I can tell)


I think this will also apply to guarfposts, but I haven't really investigated, since I don't usually utilize them



Thank you very much for your insight, you have helped me quite a lot.

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  • 1 year later...

I use a mod that changes the amount a settler can farm. It had a number of different options you can pick and I went with 10 per settler.


Perhaps you can "reverse engineer" that mod and see what it does. It was an old mod and has functioned perfectly through out all the updates. Good luck.

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  • 11 months later...

It might be Workshop Framework - I know I can do that through the menu manager and I believe it was that mod that added it (I can make all sorts of changes to the settlements through it).


I thought you could do it through Console Commands, but I couldn't find it. I only found how to increase how much each plant produces (which is also VERY useful, in tight places like Hangman's Alley). I have a start-up script that sets all plants to '1', because it just makes it easier for me, math-wise (plus, then it makes sense to plant something other than mutfruit).

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