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Tough Creature Swap


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TBH this is me hacking up someone's work (again) and I'm getting stumped... If I succeed at this it's a personal toy or (with Hardkopy's permission) I'll release it for others.


Hardkopy's toy , a remote control robobrain which explodes, is the center of my interest. Basically I'm trying to get a mesh of a scaled down vehicle (or even the nukacola truck) to sit overtop the original robobrain mesh so it has the appearance of being an actual vehicle - can anyone direct me to a tutorial or help me with this? I had everything looking aligned in nifskope but due to the scaling I ended up dropping a toe sized truck that crashed my game when activated lol


I've seen a tutorial (here or on FO3 nexus) but I can't find it! It has everything to do with nifskope and getting everything attached properly so that it functions in-game... I can do textures and normal maps, I can attach textures and normal maps but I cannot get a .obj into a functioning nif that works in-game..


Any help would be appreciated :)

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