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So, they caught Saddam


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Having spent more time than most in the company of information about Saddam, I can say that the circumstances of his capture do not astonish me. This past spring I did an in-depth psychological profile of Saddam for a grad seminar I was taking in political psychology. Saddam is a very intelligent and cunning person, and while he talks big, his greatest concern is for his own personal safety. The reason he did not go out shooting is because, in his own mind, he still believes that he is destined to be a Pan-Arab leader of great importance and that he simply cannot die in a hole.

His life has been a ruthless series of bait and swith tactics, which worked well for him until he was confronted with another ideologe (Bush). Saddam's old tactics of pushing for weaknesses and pulling back when resistence was met (in terms of diplomacy) did not have the effect he was planning on them having. He got himself invaded, which I'll bet came a big surprise to him.

In terms of the impact this will have on the current situation in Iraq, I agree that it will be limited. I would wager that many of the "resistance" are fighting not to return a regime to power, but rather to expell invaders. They are defending their homes, not Saddam. As for Saddam being a terrorist, I think that is stretching the definition. Against the Kurds he was a brutally repressive dictator, though his use of chemical weapons against his own people does not make him a terrorist. True, he tortured and murdered dissenters within his population, but that does not make him a terrorist either. In all the information that I have seen of Saddam, I don't believe that he would sell WMD to terrorists or support them for that matter. That's just not Saddam's way of playing ball.

So, Saddam will probably stand trial as a dictator accused of genocide, torture, and corruption on a grand scale, but I doubt they'll get him on any charges of terrorism.

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Ot> this is already a topic in the debates forum which was started before this one.



Iraqi literacy is (I think...) higher than U.S. Literacy. He's been a savior and a menace. What is the U.S. actually going to do with him


the U.S had promsed to give him to the iraqi people if the conditions were right(personally though, i dont think they'll ever give him to them) i mean it certainly hasnt stopped the bloodshed as there was a suicide attack a few hours after he was caught.

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So, Saddam will probably stand trial as a dictator accused of genocide, torture, and corruption on a grand scale, but I doubt they'll get him on any charges of terrorism.

Methinks you have got it in a nutshell here. Saddam is an evil SOB, no doubt about that, but a terrorist? Not really.

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I just shake my head at the whole situation.....Sadam was a grade a moron for atempting to wage war on the U.S., but the war isnt over as that idiot Bush says, our people are still getting attacked, and killed by fundimentalists, this means that Sadam wasnt the only one orgonizeing these nutcases, in my opinion this war is far from over, and it has been far from over since Bush Seinor started all of this in the middle east, but aside from all of that Sadam wont last long in Iraq, his own people hate him, he'll be dead before the end of 2004, and a final thought, he realy is a coward if he scurrys out of a hole identifying himself and saying hell tell them everything, but hey all the better for us! :D :lol:
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...and it has been far from over since Bush Seinor started all of this in the middle east...

[Long History Lesson] The whole situation did not start with Bush Senior, rather it started in the late 70s. This was when Iran was having violent revolution that caused the government to swich from a monarchy(?) to an ultra-conservative (far right) Islamic Fundamentalism, the US feared that this would spread throughout the Middle East. Even though the American government did not like him, it was decided that Saddam Hussein was the man to stop that from happening. Hence the Iraq vs. Iran war started, then there was the Iran-contra affair, when the US double crossed Saddam in order to get the Iranis to realease some hostages. After the war ended in a stalemate Saddam decided that he, having saved the Arab world from the Iranis (in his mind at least) deserved some compensation for war losses. He demanded from the very, very rich Kuwait a lot of money, or access to their oil feilds, or both (not sure). The leader of Kuwait naturally refused, so Saddam tried to take it by force. I may be mistaken but I think he actually asked the United States for permission to invade Kuwait, the ambasador naturally said no, but in the manner of small children and dictators, Saddam heard what he wanted to hear and went ahead with the invasion (I could be wrong about this though). Then we kicked the Iraqui army out of Kuwait but never intended to set foot inside Iraq much less tople Saddam, had that been the objective the International Coalition (that is what I call it) would have bypassed Kuwait and headed strait to Bagdad which was exposed like a nudist on a beach. Ten years after the war ended, George W. Bush got it in his head to invade Iraq and did so, bringing us to the present. [/Long History Lesson]


[Demographics Lesson] The mass killing of people is deplorable, but still Saddam Hussein did not gas his own people, he used nerve gas against the Kurds and Iran's Army. Saddam is not a Kurd; he is most definately not an Irani, they, unlike the Kurds, are not even Arabs, they are Aryans. [/Demographics Lesson]


Now my opinion on the subject. I wish US forces had not found Saddam, now public support for George W. Bush has shot through the roof, meaning he will win the upcoming election. Bush does not belong in the presidency, his inept management of the economy has caused a record deficit of $500.000.000.000 ($500 billion), that is about double the national debt before he became President. George W. Bush You are a F*cking Moron.



In case you are wondering, yes, I do like writing.

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