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Suddenly asking me for disc...


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Sign of the times people. More and more folks think that just because they can, they should. I wish that people would get a clue and realize that regardless of ones ability to steal something it is still wrong regardless of the arguments. Even if you don't get caught, it is still stealing.
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Theft is theft no matter how you dress it up in a cutesy name like 'Arrg I'm a pirate'.

The LAW is not a suggestion or open to your own private interpretation.

If you have not purchased a LEGAL copy for the device you are running it on you have stolen content and are therefore a thief.


An example of this would be running Windows on a MAC - You still are required to purchase a legal version of Windows even if you have a legal version on another computer. In fact, you are required to purchase a separate copy (or license) for each device you run Windows on. If you have a problem with this please take it up with Microsoft's lawyers and not us. - Just as if you have a problem with BethSoft requiring a separate copy for Xbox and PC please take it up with their lawyers as this is not the proper venue for this.


No way can you whine and claim otherwise. Your posts show that you knew this was wrong and you are just trying to justify stealing.


Banned for 3 reasons 1. Endorsing and abetting piracy, 2. Attempting to justify piracy with faulty logic. 3. And for discussing piracy which is specifically forbidden here by site rules.


You may or may not be a pirate - It is still against the rules to discuss piracy in these forums - especially in a way that condones it through flawed logic. :rolleyes:


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Bben46, Moderator

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