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A Journey to Fame and Fortune. The Journey to become Arena Grand Champ


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Dear Readers.


This story is based on the game Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion and follows the journey of a young imperial girl, Sabarel Tatheth as she trys to become Grand Champion in the Arena. I'm writing this RP as if it was her journal and will try and write an entry for every day that passes. To add extra incitement to myself to write this RP I am going to play her story out aswell through the game its self. This means that for every journal entry that I write I will also play the same day through in the game aswell.


I thought it would be nice if you knew a little bit about myself and my history of both roleplaying characters in stories aswell as through games. I've been playing RPG's for as long as I can remember and have been writing for even longer. It was only about 8 years ago that I actually started to combine 2 of my passions in life together and I started to write stories or take part in Forum RP's. Since then I have written somewhere in the region of about 29 fan fic's covering several different types of games, Sci-fi TV programs & Fantasy TV programs. During this time I have also written on multiple Forum RP's with as many as 12 that I am writing for at anyone time. I also use both a character sheet and rules sheet for every RP that I write, weither it be on a forum or it be my own story. This helps me to keep track of my character, gives me some basics to build my character from and also stops me from basically roleplaying "God". The rules sheet also keeps me in check so to say during the time that I am playing the game aswell.


I'm currently writing on 3 Forum RP's, only 1 of which is fantasy based. I'm also working as a Journalist in the United Kingdom writing for several different places. I hope that this story will become my 30th and hopefully my longest yet.


I do not write out my background histories for most of my characters and prefer to develop their back story or past as I progress through a story. I will however let you see the rules that I have set myself for this RP for while I am in the game so that you can have a better understanding of her as she advances through the ranks of the Arena and deals with everyday life in Cyrodiil. I have also written out a character sheet for her aswell to give you some idea of who she is and how she does things.


Character Sheet:


Name - Sabarel Tatheth

Race - Imperial

Class - Adventurer

Majors - Alchemy, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armour, Mercentile, Speachcraft, Illusion

Major Attributes - Endurance, Personality

Star Sign - The Lady

Profession - Arena Combatant


Rules Sheet:


Roll of D8 to decide on days between Arena bouts

Zero theft or crime

Walking in cities, shops, homes & taverns

Minimum of 8 hours sleep every day

One journal entry for every day played in the game

Strict 3rd person view

No looting of chests, containers or plants in cities or towns

1-2 dungeons per day


I'll be adding each new entry to this thread as I write them so look out for the posts in a bold font.


I'm sorry if this infomation has bored you but I do hope that you enjoy reading Sabarel's Journal as she trys to become the next Arena Grand Champion as I do in actually writing it.

Edited by SabarelTatheth
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Morndas, Last Seed 27, 3e433


We finally made it to the Imperial City in Cyrodiil this morning. Nine days at sea travelling here to see if I can make a name for myself. I helped land the boat and unload the cargo just as my original agreement with the Captain. It was the only way he was going to let me come for such a small price. Spent most of the rest of the day just wandering around the city taking it all in. I thought Balmora was massive when me and Dad travelled there for supplies, but this place is massive.


There's so many people here trying to make a name for themselves in one way or another. I watched some people sign up with the Fighters & Mages Guilds but I've signed up to fight in the Arena instead. People looked at me fun when I walked into the bloodworks below the Arena to sign up. I'm barely 19 and most of the others down there were all hard knuckled veterans. A guy called Owyn signed me up to the blue team and gave me a raiment to wear during my fights, he doesn't think I will last long, perhaps I can prove him wrong. He has lined me up for a fight tomorrow.


Thought I would treat myself to a nice bed and meal tonight. I'm sat in a room at the Merchants Inn waiting for what could be my last meal to be brought up. I've got what I hope is a nice bottle of wine for tonight aswell. Going to get an early night.


Hope I do well tomorrow.

Edited by SabarelTatheth
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Tirdas, Last Seed 28, 3e433


I survived! Had my first Arena bout this morning. Everyone in there Owyn included didn't think I would last 5 seconds but I proved them wrong. It felt like forever on my lonely walk to the Arena floor but it was only minutes. My knees were shaking so much as the gate lowered I very nearly died as my foe swung his first strike, I was so unprepared. It took a lot more then I thought it would to actually fight the guy, let alone deal a death blow! I was given a bunk and a title upon my return to the bloodworks. I also got winnings of 50 septims! 50 septims I will have to spend some time training I think or I'm not going to last long at all.


I thought if I'm going to spend some time training then I better think about my gear and looking after it. A kind Orc at Slash and Smash kindly repaired my armour for me while I looked at some new maces. He had seen my match and kindly offered to repair my armour for a lower rate. He only charged me 3 septims, in return I brought a brand new steel mace that he had only just finished crafting. It cost me half of my winnings but if it's going to hold together longer then my old iron one then it should be worth it.


Mothers last conversation with me came back to my mind when I was leaving the shop with my new mace. Never forget the usefulness of a good potion or poison Sabarel. This was one of the last things my mother said to me before I left for Cyrodiil. Not forgetting her advice I got myself a new pestle and mortar along with a few alchemy ingredients and spent the rest of my day relaxing while mixing some potions in the Arboretum sector of the Imperial City until the sun sang below the height of the city walls.


My next Arena fight is in 3 days. I'm nervous.

Edited by SabarelTatheth
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Middas, Last Seed 29, 3e433


I left the city quite early this morning before the sun had even rose above the horizon. I'm so used to being able to walk out of the door at home and have no-one around me for miles that I needed to get away and have some space. My decision to leave the city for a day or two was a good idea in the end. It has enabled me to clear my head a little bit and work on my skill's a lot more after I found a bandit's cave not long before lunch.


I thought it would be a good idea to clear them out myself, after all it would allow me to practice my skills aswell get rid of a few criminals at the same time. If I died doing it who would miss me? Mum and Dad would just think I either died or was killed trying to make a name for myself here.


There were a fair few of them in the cave patrolling around at semi regular intervals, I knew I wouldn't last long against to many of them at once so I waited for one of them to be by himself before I did anything. He was a lot easier to kill then I thought he would be. The others didn't cause me to much of a hassle either. I must be better then I thought or perhaps they weren't actually very good. I'll never know the answer. I spent some time afterwards going through there pockets and the barrels that were scattered about the cave, they would have no use for what ever I found any more. Plus if others ever turned up they would it not be better if they didn't have them either. They were most positively stolen anyway. I picked up one of the dead bandits bow and a few arrows before I left, making sure that I covered my tracks on the way out.


I've found a way-shrine aswell this evening. I think I'm going to camp here for the night and mix a few potions from the few reagents that I've collected from the local area. The sunset over Lake Rumare made me feel better after killing the bandits this morning. I may come out here more often, may make it a regular thing after an Arena battle if I keep on winning.

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Turdas, Last Seed 30, 3e433


Got woken up before dawn this morning. A loud sound behind me woke me up with a start. Two bandits jumped out from behind a bush and attacked me. Either it was just a random night time raid or they some how found out it was me that attacked their friends earlier in the day. I killed the first one which caused the second one to run off. Managed to retrieve 2 unbroken potions from his corpse.


Ended up not being able to go back to sleep so I set off before the sun came up just in case the bandit came back with more of his friends to try and try to kill me again. I ended up walking into a small village called Weye just after dawn. Not much really to say about Weye except it had a small tavern and a few houses. Managed to sell all of the potions I had on me and a few items of jewellery I had found in the bandits cave yesterday. Got a nice 100 septims for the lot when I counted it all out later. Perhaps its going to be easier to make money then I thought?


The innkeeper at the tavern told me that I had two ways to get back to the imperial city. I could either go west along the coast of the lake and have a day by the lake and still make it back to the city by night fall, or I could go over the main bridge into town and be back in the city by lunch time. Taking the coastal path seemed the best choice to me, it allowed me to relax and possibly see some more of the land. My next fight in the Arena is tomorrow so I may aswell enjoy the local area while I've got the chance.


I made it back to the city just before dusk with a few new dents in Dad's old shield. Stupid mudcrabs here are bigger and faster then they were at home. Perhaps I'll see if I can get a new one tomorrow somewhere. I'll keep hold of Dads shield anyway, I may make it back home one day.

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Fredas, Last Seed 31, 3e433


Woke up nice and early this morning. Took a nice walk through the palace grounds before going to the market to see if I could find a new shield. Ended up finding a nice little place at the back of the market called Stonewall Shields. The old man running the place was a little bit up tight and complained about the state of my gear. He offered to repair it for me but charged me basically all of my winnings from my first fight! Found a nice shield though while I was there though. Had to sell the last of my jewellery in order to buy it. Worth it though, I now have a brand new steel shield. May have to paint my family emblem on it like is on Dads old one. Going to keep hold of Dads in case I ever see them again.


Couldn't eat lunch, was too nervous ahead of my second bout this afternoon. Everyone was mocking me in the bloodworks again, none of them thought I would be coming back. Proved them wrong yet again! It was another hard won fight, I picked up a fair few cuts and deep ones this time. The guy was good, I had to try and hide for a few seconds in order to try and use the basic healing spells Mum taught me when I was younger. Still I got another 50 Septims for my troubles, wanted more but oh well. Perhaps its just a fixed amount I get per fight.


Left the bloodworks quite soon after my fight, people were starting to ask me questions regarding my skills and where I learnt them. Don't want them to know who Dad was, he was a very good thief before he met Mum. Perhaps he's still wanted here. Still it looks like I'm making a name for myself as even people around the Arena knew who I was.


Spent the rest of the day tending to my wounds using the skills Mum taught me. Nice break in the rain for it aswell so I enjoyed the sun while relaxing under a tree just outside of the Arena. My wounds seem to have closed but I'll know in the morning wither I'm actually any good at this healing lark.


Heard some rumours while I was relaxing this afternoon. Something about an Aylied Ruin not far from the city. Perhaps I'll check it out this week. I've got a week until my next fight, I should have enough time.

Edited by SabarelTatheth
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Loredas, Heartfire 1, 3e433


I woke up feeling a little bit stronger this morning and healthier then I have done for quite a long time. Either I'm getting stronger from fighting in the Arena or the things my Mum taught me about healing a few years ago is actually working for me. I suppose only time will really, although my wounds seem to have healed fine over night. Decided to leave the city early and see if I could find that Aylied ruin that I heard people talking about yesterday.


Took it easy when leaving the city, didn't want to tire myself out by over doing it just in case I found somewhere worth exploring. I'm actually liking my time outside of the city. Although I have not really ever wandered far from the isle that the city is upon I'm starting to feel like a real adventurer. Came upon a cave early this afternoon, it looked interesting from the outside even though there was a few imps outside. Thought it was a home for them to begin with, that was until I found the entrance door to an old ruin. Was this the Aylied ruin that people were talking about? I'll find out when I get out of here.


Started out wading through some shallow water after I entered the ruin, either the city flooded after expanding into an underground river or perhaps it was built around an underground lake. Found an old tablet with some writing upon it. I made a note of the writing in the back of my journal so I could try and translate it this evening.


Kept following some old tracks through the ruin fighting off for Imps along the way. Doesn't seem like there is too many of them, although either they over powered the people that have found this cave before me or something else has done. I've been finding skeletons all day, not to many to begin with although I have started to find a lot more of them the further in I come. This has lead me to believe that there is perhaps something else in this ruin with me. Been hearing some funny sounds all day but I'm not able to tell where it is coming from.


Found another tablet with some writing on it just before I came to some old iron gates. Took another note of the writing, I'll translate them when I'm done writing.


Thought that was the end of the line when I found the iron gates, at least that was until they opened up for me as I walked closer to have a better look and see if I could find a way to open them. May have been something that detected me and caused them to open, maybe I'll talk to a Mage about it when I get out of here. I know Mum had a spell that would allow her to detect living things from a distance, she said it was some sort of spell.


Came across a camp set up in what appears to me to be a throne room of some sort. Found two dead people in doorway that leaves the back of the room. It didn't seem like they had been dead for long, there bodies were pale but they weren't yet skeletons? There has to be something else in here with me after all. Moved there bodies and covered them up, said a few words to the gods while I did so. May the gods look down on me as I try to find out what killed them.


Found another tablet under one of them. There was a book in the camp that should allow me to translate the tablets I hope. May check through the rest of the camp to see if I can find anything worth selling. I don't want to go back with nothing do I?


It's cold and dark. I'm getting scared.




Managed to translate some of the writing on the tablets. They read as follows.


'Meridia-child, earth root power, sea wave like (Perhaps a landslide or something?) People out. (Did some people escape?)'


'Fourth star home (A date maybe?), Terror of the most terror Meridia come. (Did something come?)'


'Stone settlers, not rest, Meridia, Terror or of the most terror, Haste to the safe home. (Did they upset the gods? Perhaps they retreated to somewhere they thought was safe?)'


Going to try and get some sleep now. Want to find out what happened here.

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Sundas, Heartfire 2, 3e433


Had a really uneasy night last night, kept waking up. Travelled deeper into the ruins as soon as I had packed away my little camp. Looked like this place went through a hell of a lot in a short period of time. Cave ins and skeletons everywhere as I started to climb up out of the bottom of the ruins. Lots of Imps on my way through that part of the ruins. It started to feel like I was climbing back out of the ruins after a while, I was being shepherded towards something big I felt it.


I came out on a ledge after a few hours of walking. I was a little unsure of how I was so I dropped one of my spare torches over the edge. It feel all the way down quite a long distance without hitting anything and seemed to make a splash when it landed. Perhaps I was on a ledge above the lake I waded through yesterday. There was what seemed like a natural bridge over to the over side a little way down the ledge from where I was standing. Decided to go over the bridge and see if I could get out of this place, its starting to get real scary with the amount of Imps in here.


It ended up bringing me out into another cave, a little like the one I came into the ruins from just with more Imps. Followed the only path ahead of me as I tried to find a way out of this place, that was until I came upon a massive group of Imps on a massive ledge high above a ravine. It almost killed me getting rid of those Imps, there was so many of them that they very nearly over powered me. It felt like they were trying to stop me from getting to what seemed like their leader. He was massive, almost twice the size of all the other ones. Lost a spike from my mace in his head as I killed him with one last powerful blow.


These guys must of caused all the noise I was hearing last night and yesterday as I found a large pile of skeletons scattered around the ledge when I looked around afterwards. Managed to find a few pieces of jewellery and a fair few septims in the piles of bones that were scattered about. At least their souls have been avenged with the death of those Imps. Found some old rope in one of the old packs that were lying around amongst the dead. Used it to climb across to a ledge further down the cliff face. Wasn't until I climbed down that I noticed that this was the way I had come into the cave in the first place. Perhaps it was just luck or it may have been the gods looking down on me for avenging those poor souls up there.


Took a casual walk back to the city after I had stopped for something to eat at the exit from the cave. Had to remove my chest plate as I walked back to the Imperial City. It's dented to hell and falling apart in places. Going to have to spend some more septims getting it repaired if I can't find a replacement aswell as getting my mace repaired after that stupid Imp. Spoke to the guard on the gate as I entered the city and let him know about the Imps. He thanked me for letting them know and told me they had lost patrols and adventurers around that place in the past so they had been advising people to not go near there. I never got told that, perhaps they thought what ever was there had gone as it had been years. Those people in the throne room didn't look like they had been dead long. I'll check it out with the Fighters and Mages guilds I think. May get a reward for letting them know.


Going to spend a night in a tavern tonight. Feel like I need to be around some merry people tonight to cheer me up a bit. Mum and Dad never told me how hard it was to be around death all the time. Perhaps this is why they never talked about their past at all. Going to have a look around the market tomorrow, but tonight I'm going to drink and be merry.

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