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Gmod website and stealing things


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Ok so I got a message of someone very kindly mentioning that the GMOD website has taken my mod and stuck it on their website without asking my permission, which is annoying in itself because the previous message she sent was about an OMOD version she had created for my mod which I was about to upload. So I rolled up my keyboard-sleves, ate a can of spiniach and checked out the website, preparing to get my rage on.


And get my rage on I did. The website seems tottaly coporate. Logos and warnings and trademarks and "pretending to be down with the kids" galore, and apparently belonging to a larger and undoubtably more evil website called Olympus games, and whilst I can't confirm this, it deffinatly sounds like its part of some serious illuminate circles. Furthermore, they seem willing to give ownership of my mod to anyone who emails them saying "yup, its me"!!! So I get all che guevara on their ass and prepare to send them this email in the "is this you?" box. (which wasn't bloody easy for a start.)


sir or madem, This is my account because I made the mod. I think that is clear from my email adress. I would like you to remove my mod from your website asap and contact me when you have done so. I upload my mods to TESNexus only, for the sense of community and genuinality which is somewhat lost on your corporate design. Perhaps if you had contacted me BEFORE taking what I have created, in whatever unfinished state it might have been in as I release updates often, and explained what this website is exactly and what you are doing with it, then maybe my answer would be different. It is also clearly stated in my legal documentation attached with the mod and in the mod description that a video of you dancing eroticly dressed as a hotdog was, while not mandatory for the use of aspects of my mod, defiantly polite. But no, you clearly lack the common decency to oblidge such a modest request and so I am typing angrlily and violently, though it is hard to use many of my normal dramatic techniques AS EVERY TIME I PRESS THE ENTER BUTTON YOUR WEBSITE IS CLOSING THE BOX I AM TYPING IN. I HAVE REWRITTEN THIS LITERRALY THREE TIMES. Also I tried to find out more before writing this through the forums but every time I open a thread I GET A BLANK SCREEN. Pehaps you should re-arrange the "Create a website" and "Steal a load of things" steps of your thought process? Now, I bid you good day sir or madem and if I do not receive a conformation responce soon I shall be taking this to the higher authority of my brother, and he is well big. GOOD DAY. xxx



But then I stop to think- what if this isn't such a bad idea? I mean I cant find a damn thing out about the webstite but What if there is some kind of link to our mods instead of a host/download service? What if their just trying to get some publicity? what if their donating to orphanages? ANYTHING to justify stealing from everybody and undoubtably making a profit out of it!


So what are your guys thoughts? You will want to check if they have stolen off you too, I presume, so: http://gmod.com/


Should I send the email or is there something I am missing?

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-scan reads a good few pages-


I see... irritating email SENDETH!



What idiots. I hope it fails. I looked around the Olympus games website- utter bloodsuckers. "Aiming to capotalise on" "a gap in the market" etc etc...




Precisely. And they don't really care whose toes they step on along the way either. The 'leader' of this so-called 'site for gamers' has zero respect for the people he is ostensibly trying to help. That kind of help, the community can most certainly do without.

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But then I stop to think- what if this isn't such a bad idea? I mean I cant find a damn thing out about the webstite but What if there is some kind of link to our mods instead of a host/download service? What if their just trying to get some publicity? what if their donating to orphanages? ANYTHING to justify stealing from everybody and undoubtably making a profit out of it!

That's kinda the thing, there isn't all that much out there about the website or parent company without having to dig for it. They've seemingly made an effort to keep a low profile until their site is ready. What information there is out there, some of it going back to 2006, pretty much says it all. They want to become a major mod site, have access to all the mods out there, charge for mod downloads. Their latest actions however suggest that they have been trying to connect with as many mod communities as possible to populate their site, claiming any legal or social mistakes as "accidents due to being beta", and have been using this song and dance for several months now.


Despite clear statements from many sources telling them to change how their database links to mod downloads directly, and blocks from their site to this one, their only response was instead to switch to using a redirect service to get around the block from their website. Actions speak louder than words, and their actions have been anything but respectful.

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Another thing that I find telling.... Kriesher was here today, yet, no posts from him trying to 'splain things. Wow. Why am i NOT surprised. At this point, I think he has thoroughly burnt his bridges with this community.

Well, to play devil's advocate for a moment... If you saw a whole community upset at you, your site, and your company which you've worked at for several years, you wouldn't feel too thrilled about trying to respond to things.


But really, what explanation would accomplish anything? There are only so many times that you can go and blame something on your staff before someone has to wonder if the staff isn't the problem, or if they were, why they weren't tossed out on their ass months ago? Shoestring budget or not, I've seen lemon aid stands run with more accountability.


Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if the investors of this company aren't just using Gmod for their own agenda... I honestly don't think anyone who has any understanding of how things are being done, or even what the market is like would invest otherwise.

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Another thing that I find telling.... Kriesher was here today, yet, no posts from him trying to 'splain things. Wow. Why am i NOT surprised. At this point, I think he has thoroughly burnt his bridges with this community.

Well, to play devil's advocate for a moment... If you saw a whole community upset at you, your site, and your company which you've worked at for several years, you wouldn't feel too thrilled about trying to respond to things.


But really, what explanation would accomplish anything? There are only so many times that you can go and blame something on your staff before someone has to wonder if the staff isn't the problem, or if they were, why they weren't tossed out on their ass months ago? Shoestring budget or not, I've seen lemon aid stands run with more accountability.


Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if the investors of this company aren't just using Gmod for their own agenda... I honestly don't think anyone who has any understanding of how things are being done, or even what the market is like would invest otherwise.


And you would have a valid point. He HAS alienated the community here by his actions. (and lack thereof...) For a man that "wants to help the community/modders" and supposedly understands their wishes, he certainly hasn't demonstrated ANY concern for them. His site still hosts a great deal of ripped content, still redirects to the downloads pages (or at least, attempts to). He has demonstrated an utter disregard for intellectual property rights, and a host of other annoying habits.


He could have saved himself a lot of hate and discontent, by having his site "opt-in" instead of "opt-out".... but no. He wanted a large database to start generating revenue in various forms. In the end, it is my belief that was his main goal anyway. He has done nothing to persuade me otherwise.

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