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Open Taverns, Shops, Etc.


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This is more of a open cities style idea, except for things like taverns, shops, and houses, and even castles. I find that open cities made a great addition to the game, however, I feel it was sort of incomplete. I always wanted to be able to walk into the taverns and such without a loading screen. Another point I'd like to make about taverns while on the subject, is the amount of space in them, it just doesn't really seem like a tavern if it's small, just a side request, but I'd like to see bigger taverns.


So my request is for a non-OC or a OC version of a more open world version of taverns, houses and shops. And if possible, a bit more space in the taverns.

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There are a couple of technical reasons why this can't be done.

Firstly - the interior doesn't always fit inside the exterior. If you made them "open" - you'd have walls from the interior sticking into the exterior world space.

Secondly - Buildings would not be waterproof. If it rained outside, it'd rain inside too (game problem). Try standing under an arch in the Imperial City to see the effect. Now imagine it inside every shop. A rain mod to address this has been tried, but crashes most computers it is run on.

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This is more of a open cities style idea, except for things like taverns, shops, and houses, and even castles. I find that open cities made a great addition to the game, however, I feel it was sort of incomplete. I always wanted to be able to walk into the taverns and such without a loading screen. Another point I'd like to make about taverns while on the subject, is the amount of space in them, it just doesn't really seem like a tavern if it's small, just a side request, but I'd like to see bigger taverns.


So my request is for a non-OC or a OC version of a more open world version of taverns, houses and shops. And if possible, a bit more space in the taverns.


An OC version of interiors is simply too difficult to do because simply because of how Oblivion handles the weather. Rain and snow is simply a photoshoped image that is superimposed with your current view, which is why it rains underneath an arch in the IC. It is one of the limitations that modders have to work with, and is one of many reasons why Oblivion does the interiors the way it does.


Now what is possible is the bigger taverns. Now I hope that when you ask for all the taverns to be bigger inside, that it is quite a bit of work to go through and increase the size of these taverns, as it requires some major interior rework. Tedious, but very possible.

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It would be nice if the CS would allow single axis scaling, but I have yet to find a way to do that. If it could be done, then making the inn's roomier would be fairly easy, though redecorating would be required to give them the finishing touches. The problem though would be watching to be sure stairs, doors, arches etc don't look strange after a scale. Oh and setting the pathing grid again would be a necessity. Edited by Keirgarth
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If you'd scale exteriors up in a model editor, then attach the interior to it precisly, add it to game and lastly turn of rain, thunder, snow and every "raining" weather. Still the work wouldn't be done, because if you done this to all houses/inns, many quest would break, so you'd have to create invisible regions, and name them like the interior's name, and then the quest 'MAY' work.
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Although for sure we cannot have the interiors properly done in exterior space, the bigger taverns could be done fairly easily, although the exterior models would also have to be re-modeled in model editor, for example, Blender. If and when I get Oblivion installed (on this new computer) I would be willing to do this, adding more space to the taverns, we'll see. Don't expect too anxiously though, knowing myself it'll take some time even if I would start doing it.
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