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Geck Crashes Upon Load of Model


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So, I keep trying to load this model I made in nifskope into the GECK, Its the pre-war R91 assault rifle but I added the scope and silencer from the infiltrator, and every time I do, the GECK crashes. Attached are two pictures of the tree layout in Nifskope.


I would need a good walkthrough as for what to do with this to fix it, as I am unfamiliar with this program and have almost no idea what I'm doing.


Thanks for any support that could be offered!



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in nifskope

easy to fix, you have the scope/silencer selected in image two correct ? all you have to do is go down the bottom window first entry right click, select edit string , type in a new name save your done, il see if i can get an image later to show it better

Edited by lostone1993
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Spells update all tangent spaces will sometime fix a crash upon load of model in GECK. You should take the time to learn the correct way. Just using Nifscope to do all the work only creates what they call "hacked meshes" I'm not sure if it's a good or bad term. I learned on hacked meshes, but everything I learned in creating hacked meshes is something a person can learn in a month, lol. It's also very limited creative wise, and often more work. You added these parts in an had to edit numbers to make it fit, when Blender or 3D Studio you would basicly sculpt them with the mouse. Years of learning but unlimited potential. It's basicly learning 2 import/export settings for either armor or weapons/statics.




TINA JONES LITTLE SISTER- I stumbled upon this while trying to make a tribute to Fallout 3 weapon. It's the Vanilla G3 Assault Rifle stock on the Chinese Assault Rifle. Then the funny part is that the barrel is flipped 180 degrees, because they built it upside down, LOL. It's a perspective edit with blender that makes it a more aggressive weapon by the flip an shortened barrel. You can't do that without Blender or 3D Studio Max.



Beanpressor- Part of the handle was duplicated an resized as to simulate a welded connection to the can on both sides. Receiver was shortened. Handle is fatter. Resized the scope. Marksmen carbine clip added. The barrel was probalby shortened too. The shortening makes it more aggressive weapon, but it also keeps the overall size down to the same size of the original infiltrator. Picture the sniper rifle with a supressor, it's too long. While that works with a sniper rifle it doesn't with an assault rifle. It's the same idea as a sawed off shotgun.

Edited by GrindedStone
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