Onikobe Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 EDIT: Seems Text Color doesn't work so well with [ code]-command, and also I'm quite irritated that the length of the CODE-window isn't capped only the width :-( . But be it as it is, I'm way too tired atm to recode all that text. Have to go for two days, then I can hopefully edit it to a more lucid look. Good Night to you. Hi, first of all: The Suggestions and Solutions I´ll present here do work very well for my rig, but that doesn`t have to mean it will work for every other rig out there. Nevertheless I guess it won`t hurt either and will at the very least give some people a good starter on how to optimize their Oblivion-installation. Fact is that I can now play up to six hours w/o having to reboot opposed to 1.5 hours before I made these changes (I even installed some more mods meanwhile). If you get lost with some terms it might be because I'm german native therefore using the worst-localized-Oblivion-Version-of-all-times aka "german Version". But remember Douglas Adams (may he Rest in Peace): Don't Panic! I'll try to fetch the right terms, so I'm pretty sure you will find your way around. The settings I`ll write down here are meant for all the poor people out there, who aren't the lucky owners of a 64-bit OS and/or state-of-the-art PC. To give you a hint on what I mean with that, my specs are as following: OS: Windows XP SP3 (32bit) HW-Components: Athlon64 3200+ (E6-Revision; Corespeed 1990MHz; Busspeed: 199 MHz; L2-Cache 512KBytes 16-way)190GB S-ATA HD (specs unknown)2GB RAM (PC3200)AC97 onboard-sound256MB PCI-E NVidia GeForce 6200SE Turbocache Core:350MHz Memory: 500MHz (Mmh.. Turbocache sounds wow, but believe me, it`s nothing to write home about)MSI Amethyst-M Mainboard Rev10 / ATI Xpress 200 (RS480) Chipset No overclocking of CPU or GPU present (at least none not-factory-made). Driver-versions: NVidia NV4dsp.dll 6.14.0012.5896Realtek AC97 newest i could find (2005 lol) Ok, then. When all the more compassionate people of you finally have stopped crying for me, I'll get on to the good part. :hurr: Index- Oblivion Launcher Config- In-game Settings- Oblivion.ini- 3rd-Party-Tools/Plugins/Mods- Meddling with Windows- Things I didn't do and most likely won't anyways, even if they might sound useful to one or the other- Things I haven't done, but maybe I'll try it out some day or respectively are things others might find useful- What I wanted to accomplish in the first place- Some things I'd really like to know- Small excerpt of the mods I'm using I love mods :thumbsup: !! At the moment I have over 130 mods installed, some of them quite huge ones (e.g. UL Compilation, Adash- City of Magic, Alexis Mages Guild, Kvatch Rebuild,...) and with my setup of Oblivion I can play up to 6 hours with acceptable stuttering without any QTDs or freezes. For the sake of completeness I will write down everything I did, even if some things probably don't have a huge impact if at all. This includes: In-game settings, .ini-tweaks, Mods/Tools/Patches for Oblivion as well as the mischief I brought upon my Windows. Here is how it works for me: Oh, almost forgot. I'm using Oblivion (+SI) 1.2.416 and TESCS 1.2.404. Oblivion Launcher Config: Disabled VSYNC There are other things you can change here like resolution, AA and stuff like that, but since you can also change them via in-game options, i'll adress them there. ingame-settings Gameplay: almost irrelevant. I am using all three auto-save options. I could disable them for a reason i'll describe further down, when I adress 3rd-Party-progs. Video: Resolution 1024x768 Texture Size Large <--- For owners of 128mb graphics better set it to Medium or Low. reasonably I should lower it myself, guess I just overread it :unsure: Tree Fade 0%Actor Fade 50%Item Fade 50%Object Fade 50%Grass Distance 0% <--see .ini- and "other recommended mods"-section for more detailsView Distance 100%Distand Land on <- if I'm right the following 2 (trees/buildings) settings will be shown in the .ini with Distand Trees on values for off, but thats because I tried them out again last time I was playing and Distant Buildings on hadn't turned them back on. ALL SHADOW OPTIONS offALL Lighting and Water options offWaterdetail normalDecals lowAA off Audio: All Audio on my Oblivion.ini (hopefully highlighting all lines I've edited, though for some settings I can't say for sure, since I changed them via in-game options). Of course you can edit wa more variables in the ini-file to modify the game to your liking. some of the more useful, but not performance-related stuff I highlighted in orange. [General] SStartingCell= SStartingCellY= SStartingCellX= SStartingWorld= STestFile10= STestFile9= STestFile8= STestFile7= STestFile6= STestFile5= STestFile4= STestFile3= STestFile2= STestFile1= bEnableProfile=0 bDrawSpellContact=0 bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=1 iHoursToSleep=3 bActorLookWithHavok=0 SMainMenuMusicTrack=special\tes4title.mp3 bUseEyeEnvMapping=1 bFixFaceNormals=0 bUseFaceGenHeads=1 bFaceMipMaps=1 bFaceGenTexturing=1 bDefaultCOCPlacement=0 uGridDistantTreeRange=15 uGridDistantCount=25 uGridsToLoad=5 fGlobalTimeMultiplier=1.0000 bNewAnimation=1 fAnimationDefaultBlend=0.1000 fAnimationMult=1.0000 bFixAIPackagesOnLoad=0 bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1 bKeepPluginWhenMerging=0 bCreate Maps Enable=0 SLocalSavePath=Saves\Talara\ SLocalMasterPath=Data\ bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck=1 bTintMipMaps=0 uInterior Cell Buffer=3 uExterior Cell Buffer=36 iIntroSequencePriority=3 bPreloadIntroSequence=1 fStaticScreenWaitTime=3.0000 [color="#FF0000"]SCreditsMenuMovie= SMainMenuMovie= SMainMenuMovieIntro= SIntroSequence=[/color] [color="#008000"]guess its ok if they aren`t loaded into your RAM in the first place[/color] iFPSClamp=0 bRunVTuneTest=0 STestFile1= bActivateAllQuestScripts=0 fQuestScriptDelayTime=5.0000 SMainMenuMusic=Special\TES4Title.mp3 bUseThreadedBlood=0 bUseThreadedMorpher=0 bExternalLODDataFiles=1 [color="#FF8C00"]bBorderRegionsEnabled=0[/color] pretty sure that this one disables the worldborders, but you can safely set both switches in this ini to 0 bDisableHeadTracking=0 bTrackAllDeaths=0 SCharGenQuest=0002466E uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize=67108864 uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize=67108864 SBetaCommentFileName= bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit=0 bCreateShaderPackage=0 uGridDistantTreeRangeCity=4 uGridDistantCountCity=4 bWarnOnMissingFileEntry=0 iSaveGameBackupCount=1 bDisplayMissingContentDialogue=1 SSaveGameSafeCellID=2AEEA bAllowScriptedAutosave=1 bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0 bCheckIDsOnInit=0 iNumBitsForFullySeen=248 [color="#FF0000"]iPreloadSizeLimit=52428800[/color] [color="#008000"]to reduce stuttering[/color] SOblivionIntro=OblivionIntro.bik [color="#FF0000"]bUseHardDriveCache=1[/color] [color="#008000"]in hope it will work for better cache-using[/color] bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion=0 bDisplayBoundingVolumes=0 bUseThreadedTempEffects=0 bUseThreadedParticleSystem=0 bUseMyGamesDirectory=1 [Display] uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=3619102270 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=298795554 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=592012539 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4=902545920 fDecalLifetime=10.0000 bEquippedTorchesCastShadows=0 bReportBadTangentSpace=0 bStaticMenuBackground=1 bForcePow2Textures=0 bForce1XShaders=0 bHighQuality20Lighting=0 bAllow20HairShader=1 [color="#FF8C00"]bAllowScreenShot=1[/color] iMultiSample=0 [color="#FF0000"]bDoTallGrassEffect=0[/color][color="#008000"] turns off grass completely. That or the other value further down^^[/color] bForceMultiPass=1 bDoTexturePass=1 bDoSpecularPass=1 bDoDiffusePass=1 bDoAmbientPass=1 bDoCanopyShadowPass=0 bDrawShadows=0 bUseRefractionShader=1 bUse Shaders=1 iNPatchNOrder=0 iNPatchPOrder=0 iNPatches=0 iLocation Y=0 iLocation X=0 bFull Screen=1 iSize W=1024 iSize H=768 iAdapter=0 iScreenShotIndex=0 SScreenShotBaseName=ScreenShot iAutoViewMinDistance=2000 iAutoViewHiFrameRate=40 iAutoViewLowFrameRate=20 bAutoViewDistance=0 fDefaultFOV=75.0000 fNearDistance=10.0000 fFarDistance=10000.0000 iDebugTextLeftRightOffset=10 iDebugTextTopBottomOffset=10 bShowMenuTextureUse=1 iDebugText=2 blocalmapshader=0 bDoImageSpaceEffects=1 fShadowLOD2=400.0000 fShadowLOD1=200.0000 fLightLOD2=1500.0000 fLightLOD1=1000.0000 fSpecularLOD2=300.0000 fSpecularLOD1=0.0000 fEnvMapLOD2=800.0000 fEnvMapLOD1=500.0000 fEyeEnvMapLOD2=190.0000 fEyeEnvMapLOD1=130.0000 iPresentInterval=1 fSpecualrStartMax=350.0000 fSpecularStartMin=0.0000 iActorShadowIntMax=10 iActorShadowIntMin=0 iActorShadowExtMax=10 iActorShadowExtMin=0 fGammaMax=0.6000 fGammaMin=1.4000 iMaxDecalsPerFrame=10 bLandscapeBlend=1 bFullBrightLighting=0 iMaxLandscapeTextures=0 bDynamicWindowReflections=0 fShadowFadeTime=1.0000 fGamma=0.7040 bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=0 iShadowFilter=0 bAllowPartialPrecision=1 iShadowMapResolution=256 bShadowsOnGrass=0 bActorSelfShadowing=0 iActorShadowCountInt=0 iActorShadowCountExt=0 bAllow30Shaders=0 iTexMipMapMinimum=0 iTexMipMapSkip=0 bDoStaticAndArchShadows=0 [color=red]bDoActorShadows=0[/color] bIgnoreResolutionCheck=0 fNoLODFarDistancePct=1.0000 fNoLODFarDistanceMax=10240.0000 fNoLODFarDistanceMin=1700.0000 [Controls] fVersion=1.8000 Forward=0011FFFF Back=001FFFFF Slide Left=001EFFFF Slide Right=0020FFFF Use=00D30009 Activate=0012FF03 Block=00380108 Cast=002EFF06 Ready Item=0021FF02 Crouch/Sneak=001DFF00 Run=002AFFFF Always Run=003AFFFF Auto Move=0010FFFF Jump=0039FF01 Toggle POV=00130205 Menu Mode=000FFF04 Rest=0014FF0A Quick Menu=003BFFFF Quick1=0002FF20 Quick2=0003FF21 Quick3=0004FF22 Quick4=0005FF23 Quick5=0006FF24 Quick6=0007FF25 Quick7=0008FF26 Quick8=0009FF27 QuickSave=001BFFFF QuickLoad=0043FFFF Grab=002CFF07 bInvertYValues=0 fXenonLookXYMult=0.0005 fMouseSensitivity=0.0028 fJoystickLookXYMult=0.0200 iJoystickLookLeftRight=3 iJoystickLookUpDown=6 iJoystickMoveLeftRight=1 iJoystickMoveFrontBack=2 fXenonMenuMouseXYMult=0.0003 bBackground Mouse=0 bBackground Keyboard=0 bUse Joystick=0 fXenonLookMult=0.0030 fXenonMenuStickSpeedMaxMod=5.0000 iXenonMenuStickSpeedThreshold=20000 iXenonMenuStickThreshold=1000 ;Language values: 0-English, 1-German, 2-French, 3-Spanish, 4-Italian iLanguage=1 SlideLeft=001EFFFF SlideRight=0020FFFF fJoystickLookLRMult=0.0200 fJoystickLookUDMult=0.0200 fJoystickMoveLRMult=1.0000 fJoystickMoveFBMult=1.0000 fXenonMenuStickMapCursorMinSpeed=1.0000 fXenonMenuStickMapCursorMaxSpeed=15.0000 fXenonMenuStickMapCursorGamma=0.1700 fXenonMenuStickSpeedPlayerRotMod=3000.0000 fXenonMenuDpadRepeatSpeed=300.0000 fXenonMenuStickSpeed=300.0000 iXenonMenuStickDeadZone=15000 [Water] [color="#800080"] Maybe here are also some values changed through a mod "Bessere Unterwassersicht" roughly translates to "better underwatersight"[/color] fAlpha=0.5000 uSurfaceTextureSize=128 SSurfaceTexture=water SNearWaterOutdoorID=NearWaterOutdoorLoop SNearWaterIndoorID=NearWaterIndoorLoop fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance=1024.0000 fNearWaterIndoorTolerance=512.0000 fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume=0.9000 fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq=0.3000 uNearWaterPoints=8 uNearWaterRadius=1000 uSurfaceFrameCount=32 uSurfaceFPS=12 bUseWaterReflectionsMisc=0 bUseWaterReflectionsStatics=0 bUseWaterReflectionsTrees=0 bUseWaterReflectionsActors=0 bUseWaterReflections=0 bUseWaterHiRes=0 bUseWaterDisplacements=0 bUseWaterShader=1 uDepthRange=125 bUseWaterDepth=1 bUseWaterLOD=1 fTileTextureDivisor=4.7500 fSurfaceTileSize=2048.0000 uNumDepthGrids=3 [Audio] bDSoundHWAcceleration=1 fMinSoundVel=10.0000 fMetalLargeMassMin=25.0000 fMetalMediumMassMin=8.0000 fStoneLargeMassMin=30.0000 fStoneMediumMassMin=5.0000 fWoodLargeMassMin=15.0000 fWoodMediumMassMin=7.0000 fDialogAttenuationMax=35.0000 fDialogAttenuationMin=7.7500 bUseSoundDebugInfo=1 fUnderwaterFrequencyDelta=0.0000 bUseSoftwareAudio3D=0 fDefaultEffectsVolume=0.8000 fDefaultMusicVolume=0.3000 fDefaultFootVolume=0.8000 fDefaultVoiceVolume=0.8000 fDefaultMasterVolume=0.9000 bMusicEnabled=1 bSoundEnabled=1 fLargeWeaponWeightMin=25.0000 fMediumWeaponWeightMin=8.0000 fSkinLargeMassMin=30.0000 fSkinMediumMassMin=5.0000 fChainLargeMassMin=30.0000 fChainMediumMassMin=5.0000 fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D=0.0000 iCollisionSoundTimeDelta=50 fGlassLargeMassMin=25.0000 fGlassMediumMassMin=8.0000 fClothLargeMassMin=25.0000 fClothMediumMassMin=8.0000 fEarthLargeMassMin=30.0000 fEarthMediumMassMin=5.0000 bUseSpeedForWeaponSwish=1 fLargeWeaponSpeedMax=0.9500 fMediumWeaponSpeedMax=1.1000 fPlayerFootVolume=0.9000 fDSoundRolloffFactor=4.0000 fMaxFootstepDistance=1100.0000 fHeadroomdB=2.0000 iMaxImpactSoundCount=16 fMainMenuMusicVolume=0.6000 [shockBolt] bDebug=0 fGlowColorB=1.0000 fGlowColorG=0.6000 fGlowColorR=0.0000 fCoreColorB=1.0000 fCoreColorG=1.0000 fCoreColorR=1.0000 fCastVOffset=-10.0000 iNumBolts=7 fBoltGrowWidth=1.0000 fBoltSmallWidth=3.0000 fTortuosityVariance=8.0000 fSegmentVariance=35.0000 fBoltsRadius=24.0000 [Pathfinding] bDrawPathsDefault=0 bPathMovementOnly=0 bDrawSmoothFailures=0 bDebugSmoothing=0 bSmoothPaths=1 bSnapToAngle=0 bDebugAvoidance=0 bDisableAvoidance=0 bBackgroundPathing=0 bUseBackgroundPathing=1 [MAIN] [color="#FF8C00"]bEnableBorderRegion=0[/color] fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance=1000.0000 iDetectionHighNumPicks=40 fQuestScriptDelayTime=5.0000 iLastHDRSetting=-1 [Combat] bEnableBowZoom=1 bDebugCombatAvoidance=0 fMinBloodDamage=1.0000 fHitVectorDelay=0.4000 iShowHitVector=0 fLowPerfNPCTargetLOSTimer=1.0000 fHiPerfNPCTargetLOSTimer=0.5000 iMaxHiPerfNPCTargetCount=4 fLowPerfPCTargetLOSTimer=0.5000 fHiPerfPCTargetLOSTimer=0.2500 iMaxHiPerfPCTargetCount=4 iMaxHiPerfCombatCount=4 [HAVOK] bDisablePlayerCollision=0 fJumpAnimDelay=0.7500 bTreeTops=0 iSimType=1 bPreventHavokAddAll=0 bPreventHavokAddClutter=0 fMaxTime=0.0167 bHavokDebug=0 fRF=1000.0000 fOD=0.9000 fSE=0.3000 fSD=0.9800 iResetCounter=5 fMoveLimitMass=95.0000 iUpdateType=0 bHavokPick=0 fCameraCasterSize=1.0000 iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST=0 fHorseRunGravity=2.5000 fQuadrupedPitchMult=1.0000 iNumHavokThreads=1 fChaseDeltaMult=0.0500 iEntityBatchRemoveRate=100 iMaxPicks=40 bAddBipedWhenKeyframed=0 [interface] fDlgLookMult=0.3000 fDlgLookAdj=0.0000 fDlgLookDegStop=0.2000 fDlgLookDegStart=2.0000 fDlgFocus=2.1000 fKeyRepeatInterval=50.0000 fKeyRepeatTime=500.0000 fActivatePickSphereRadius=16.0000 fMenuModeAnimBlend=0.0000 iSafeZoneX=20 iSafeZoneY=20 iSafeZoneXWide=20 iSafeZoneYWide=20 fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue=0.8000 fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen=0.8000 fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed=0.8000 fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue=0.2500 fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen=0.2500 fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed=0.2500 [color="#FF8C00"]bAllowConsole=1[/color] bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick=0 iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo=10 iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok=10 iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy=5 bUseFuzzyPicking=1 fMenuBGBlurRadius=2.0000 [LoadingBar] iMoveBarWaitingMilliseconds=10 iMoveBarChaseMilliseconds=100 iMoveBarMaxMilliseconds=2500 fLoadingSlideDelay=15.0000 fPercentageOfBar3=0.1500 fPercentageOfBar2=0.4400 fPercentageOfBar1=0.3500 fPercentageOfBar0=0.0600 bShowSectionTimes=0 [Menu] fCreditsScrollSpeed=40.0000 iConsoleTextYPos=890 iConsoleTextXPos=30 iConsoleVisibleLines=15 iConsoleHistorySize=50 rDebugTextColor=255,251,233 iConsoleFont=3 iDebugTextFont=3 [GamePlay] bDisableDynamicCrosshair=0 bSaveOnTravel=1 bSaveOnWait=1 bSaveOnRest=1 bCrossHair=1 iDifficultyLevel=50 bGeneralSubtitles=1 bDialogueSubtitles=1 bInstantLevelUp=0 bHealthBarShowing=0 fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed=1.0000 fHealthBarSpeed=80.0000 fHealthBarHeight=4.0000 fHealthBarWidth=40.0000 fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime=0.5000 fHealthBarEmittanceTime=1.5000 fDifficulty=-1.0000 STrackLevelUpPath=\\vault\TES4\LevelData\ bTrackLevelUps=1 bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving=0 bEssentialTakeNoDamage=1 iDetectionPicks=21 bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch=1 [Fonts] sfontfile_1=Data\Fonts\DarN_Gushing_Meadow_28.fnt sfontfile_2=Data\Fonts\DarN_LG_Kingthings_Petrock_14.fnt sfontfile_3=Data\Fonts\DarN_LG_Kingthings_Petrock_18.fnt sfontfile_4=Data\Fonts\DarN_Oblivion_28.fnt SFontFile_5=Data\Fonts\Handwritten.fnt [speedTree] iTreeClonesAllowed=1 fCanopyShadowGrassMult=1.0000 iCanopyShadowScale=512 fTreeForceMaxBudAngle=-1.0000 fTreeForceMinBudAngle=-1.0000 fTreeForceLeafDimming=-1.0000 fTreeForceBranchDimming=-1.0000 fTreeForceCS=-1.0000 fTreeForceLLA=-1.0000 fTreeLODExponent=0.7333 bEnableTrees=1 bForceFullLOD=0 fLODTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.7500 fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.2500 [Debug] bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection=0 bDebugFaceGenMultithreading=0 bDebugSaveBuffer=0 [backgroundLoad] bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=0 bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=0 bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1 bBackgroundCellLoads=1 bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1 iAnimationClonePerLoop=5 [color="#FF0000"]bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1[/color][color="#008000"] helps with memory usage. like "pcb"-console command, but hey! Its automated :-)[/color] bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1 [color="#800080"] This is kinda strange, since I don't remember setting this value to 1 + it`s supposed to be a value for dual-core/HT-rigs[/color] iPostProcessMillisecondsEditor=50 iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority=20 iPostProcessMilliseconds=5 bUseBackgroundFileLoader=0 [LOD] fLodDistance=250.0000 bUseFaceGenLOD=0 iLODTextureTiling=2 iLODTextureSizePow2=8 fLODNormalTextureBlend=0.5000 bDisplayLODLand=0 bDisplayLODBuildings=1 bDisplayLODTrees=1 bLODPopTrees=0 bLODPopActors=0 bLODPopItems=0 bLODPopObjects=0 fLODFadeOutMultActors=8.5000 fLODFadeOutMultItems=7.9300 fLODFadeOutMultObjects=7.9300 fLODMultLandscape=1.0000 fLODMultTrees=0.0200 fLODMultActors=2.0000 fLODMultItems=2.0000 fLODMultObjects=2.0000 iFadeNodeMinNearDistance=400 fLODFadeOutPercent=0.9000 fLODBoundRadiusMult=3.0000 fTalkingDistance=1000.0000 fTreeLODMax=2.0000 fTreeLODMin=0.0200 fTreeLODDefault=1.2000 fObjectLODMax=15.0000 fObjectLODMin=1.0000 fObjectLODDefault=5.0000 fItemLODMax=15.0000 fItemLODMin=1.0000 fItemLODDefault=2.0000 fActorLODMax=15.0000 fActorLODMin=2.0000 fActorLODDefault=5.0000 bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps=1 bForceHideLODLand=0 fLODQuadMinLoadDistance=65536.0000 fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior=1.0000 fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior=1.0000 fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior=1.0000 fLODFadeOutActorMultCity=1.0000 fLODFadeOutItemMultCity=1.0000 fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity=1.0000 fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex=1.0000 fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex=1.0000 fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex=1.0000 fLODLandVerticalBias=0.0000 [Weather] fSunGlareSize=350.0000 fSunBaseSize=250.0000 bPrecipitation=1 fAlphaReduce=1.0000 SBumpFadeColor=255,255,255,255 SLerpCloseColor=255,255,255,255 SEnvReduceColor=255,255,255,255 [Voice] SFileTypeLTF=ltf SFileTypeLip=lip SFileTypeSource=wav SFileTypeGame=mp3 [Grass] iMinGrassSize=130 fGrassEndDistance=0.0000 fGrassStartFadeDistance=0.0000 bGrassPointLighting=0 [color="#FF0000"]bDrawShaderGrass=0[/color] [color="#008000"]disables grass - better safe than sorry^^)[/color] iGrassDensityEvalSize=2 iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=1 fWaveOffsetRange=1.7500 fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=0.0000 fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=0.0000 fTexturePctThreshold=0.3000 [Landscape] bCurrentCellOnly=0 bPreventSafetyCheck=0 fLandTextureTilingMult=2.0000 fLandFriction=2.5000 iLandBorder2B=0 iLandBorder2G=0 iLandBorder2R=0 iLandBorder1B=0 iLandBorder1G=255 iLandBorder1R=255 [bLightAttenuation] fQuadraticRadiusMult=1.0000 fLinearRadiusMult=1.0000 bOutQuadInLin=0 fConstantValue=0.0000 fQuadraticValue=16.0000 fLinearValue=3.0000 uQuadraticMethod=2 uLinearMethod=1 fFlickerMovement=8.0000 bUseQuadratic=1 bUseLinear=0 bUseConstant=0 [blurShaderHDRInterior] fTargetLUM=1.0000 fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000 fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000 fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.5000 fBrightScale=2.2500 fBrightClamp=0.2250 fBlurRadius=7.0000 iNumBlurpasses=1 [blurShaderHDR] fTargetLUM=1.2000 fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000 fGrassDimmer=1.3000 fTreeDimmer=1.2000 fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000 fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.7000 fSunlightDimmer=1.3000 fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000 fSISpecularMult=1.0000 fSkyBrightness=0.5000 fSunBrightness=0.0000 fBrightScale=1.5000 fBrightClamp=0.3500 fBlurRadius=4.0000 iNumBlurpasses=2 iBlendType=2 bDoHighDynamicRange=0 [blurShader] fSunlightDimmer=1.0000 fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000 fSISpecularMult=1.0000 fSkyBrightness=0.5000 fSunBrightness=0.0000 fAlphaAddExterior=0.2000 fAlphaAddInterior=0.5000 iBlurTexSize=256 fBlurRadius=0.0300 iNumBlurpasses=1 iBlendType=2 bUseBlurShader=0 [GethitShader] fBlurAmmount=0.5000 fBlockedTexOffset=0.0010 fHitTexOffset=0.0050 [MESSAGES] bBlockMessageBoxes=0 bSkipProgramFlows=1 [color="#FF8C00"]bAllowYesToAll=1 bDisableWarning=1[/color] iFileLogging=0 bSkipInitializationFlows=1 [DistantLOD] bUseLODLandData=0 fFadeDistance=9288.0000 iDistantLODGroupWidth=8 [GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=Ein oder mehr Plugins konnten die korrekten Versionen der Master-Dateien nicht finden, auf denen sie beruhen. Während des Ladens oder Spielens können Fehler auftreten. Sie finden weitere Informationen in der Datei "Warnings.txt". SMasterMismatchWarning=Eine der Dateien, von denen "%s" abhängt, ist seit der letzten Speicherung verändert worden. Das kann zu Fehlern führen. Eine erneute Speicherung lässt diese Nachricht verschwinden, repariert jedoch nicht unbedingt einen Fehler. [Archive] SMasterMiscArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Misc.bsa SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName2=Oblivion - Voices2.bsa SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Voices1.bsa SMasterSoundsArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Sounds.bsa SMasterTexturesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa SMasterMeshesArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt iRetainFilenameOffsetTable=1 iRetainFilenameStringTable=1 iRetainDirectoryStringTable=1 bCheckRuntimeCollisions=0 bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 bUseArchives=1 sArchiveList=..\obmm\BSARedirection.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa [CameraPath] iTake=0 SDirectoryName=TestCameraPath iFPS=60 SNif=Test\CameraPath.nif [Absorb] fAbsorbGlowColorB=1.0000 fAbsorbGlowColorG=0.6000 fAbsorbGlowColorR=0.0000 fAbsorbCoreColorB=1.0000 fAbsorbCoreColorG=1.0000 fAbsorbCoreColorR=1.0000 iAbsorbNumBolts=1 fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth=0.0000 fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth=7.0000 fAbsorbTortuosityVariance=2.0000 fAbsorbSegmentVariance=7.0000 fAbsorbBoltsRadius=5.0000 [OPENMP] iThreads=3 iOpenMPLevel=10 [TestAllCells] bFileShowTextures=1 bFileShowIcons=1 bFileSkipIconChecks=0 bFileTestLoad=0 bFileNeededMessage=1 bFileGoneMessage=1 bFileSkipModelChecks=0 bFileCheckModelCollision=0 [CopyProtectionStrings] SCopyProtectionMessage2=Oblivion-CD einlegen. SCopyProtectionTitle2=Oblivion-CD wurde nicht gefunden. SCopyProtectionMessage=Auf diesem Computer konnte kein CD-ROM/DVD-Laufwerk gefunden werden. SCopyProtectionTitle=CD-ROM-Laufwerk wurde nicht gefunden. 3rd-Party-Tools/Plugins/Mods Won't give versionnumbers here, since I always try to use the latest version, as long as it is no beta. Also I just list the tools that have a positive effect on performance and/or stability or are required for Mods which do the prior mentioned. You'll find all these tools/mods/etc on TES Nexus or at the very least information on how to obtain them. Knowledge on how to use them you can get through tutorials on the net and in most cases through readme-files supplied with the tools. If you are still totally lost then you should probably just turn your computer off right now, take it with you into the next pawn-store and trade it for a 1990sh GameBoy. Its much easier to use. Wrye Bash - Multi-purpose for Managing,editing and cleaning your Oblivion Mods and it even contains some very useful tweaks and enhancements for your game. And okay, you got me here this is a beta version . Should check for an update the next few days. OBSE - Plugin needed for various mods to let Oblivion/TESSC understand what they want from it :biggrin: ok, i admit it. I'm a noob, but thats basically what I believe it does. Nevertheless its essential for many good mods out there. So don't be shy and get it you won't regret it. Pluggy - Plugin for OBSE. Adds some more features. TES4Edit - Don't let it's technical appearance scare you off. There is a very good tutorial for it on the net ("insert favourite search engine here" is your friend ). At least try to comprehend the "Remove identical to master"-function or you will encounter grave problems and annoyance while trying to run a lot of mods (it's even possible to encounter them with only two mods installed, but then it's still comfty enough to fix it with the CS :yes: , on the other hand, if you capitulate to TES4Edit you'll most likely also not be capable of fixing things via CS :rolleyes: ) BOSS - Sorts your Mod-load-order by looking up a constantly updated list the BOSS-community has created. It even tells you for some mods if they're outdated or knowingly conflicting with other mods in your load order and gives you Bash-Tag (Wrye Bash) suggestions or if the same effect can also be accomplished by using Wrye Bash tweaks. You still have to manage the load order manually for the mods BOSS doesn't recognize (roughly 10 % in my case). That I do with:......... OBMM - I wouldn't know what to do without this "simple" but brilliant prog. It lets you install Mods in OMOD-format or with OMOD-Conversion-data included, but far more important is the fact that you can create you own OMODs, which are basically packed archives, which if activated in OBMM will install the included esps/datafiles to your Oblivion/Data-folder. The important thing is that it will also tell you if the OMOD contains data which will overwrite already existing data and from where the existing data is coming from, so you can safely decide if it may overwrite or skip specific files. Also it contains a list with your present mod load order, which you can comfortably change to your liking to reduce/negate conflicts between mods (it sometimes even helps, if you are encountering QTDs after installing some new mods. just try out too load them in another order) It also has some other good uses and utilities (archive invalidation for example). I installed all except for 5 mods. 2 were too huge for my rig to handle the omod-conversion (for example: Adash I-III is about 770MB and then I had a mod over 1gb in size) and for the other 3 I guess I was just too lazy to reopen OBMM to make them OMOD too. The "too huge"-problem can be solved by by lowering the compression-levels of the OMOD-creator. OC this also depends on the rig you use. FastExit - Faster shutting down of oblivion.exe ConScribe - OBSE plugin. Logs your console messages and other stuff so that you or modders you ask for help can better investigate problems you encountered. Besides there are also a few mods which depend on it, though I don't know which ones anymore ^^ weOCPS - OBSE plugin. prevents some commonly known crashes. prevented 2 crashes in my game in the last 2 days. If I wouldn't have this plugin, well, my Oblivion would have crashed 2 times in total the last two days, which is according to earlier experiences and many desperate calls for help on the net a rather low count imo. Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) - Huge fanmade patchcompilation. I mean we are talking HUGE here. Also helps with process stability Streamline - It goes under the designation of "FPS Enhancer" but it's more than that. It's divided into 4 major functions: Streampurge: Purges your cache under specified circumstances, thus "freeing up" some of your memory for Oblivion to use. Streamsmooth: Adjusts videodetails based on anytime-actual FPS Streamsight: Adjusts distance details and weathereffects for a huge gain of FPS Streamsave: Savemanager. Creates a cycle of autosaves/quicksaves, so chances are good that you don't have to play hours on hours anew if you get a corrupted savegame after QTD or freeze. This Tool is highly customizable. If you like you can use my sl.ini settings. For safety reasons delete the coloured comments I put in there, even though I think that they shouldn't interfere with the functionality. Just make sure that if you copy/pasted it that every non-code charakters have a semicolon before them. Exampleright syntax;===============================================================set SPAMMED EGGS to BURNT TO CINDER ; makes spammers hungry;=============================================================== wrong syntax;===============================================================set SPAMMED EGGS to BURNT TO CINDER ;makes spammers hungry;======================================================= Pay heed that if you change sl.ini "after" running it in Oblivion the first time, you have to initialize it anew via thestreamline in-game menu (CTRL+Home). Also the link for the keycode values doesn't work anymore so use this one instead (also changed it in my posted sl.ini) : http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AS2LCR/Flash_10.0help.html?content=00000520.html Streamline sl.ini (only some comments, not all changings marked!) ;; Profile Author: Jaga Telesin ([email protected]) ;; Profile Date: January 9th, 2008 ;; INI path: \Oblivion\Data\Streamline\INI Files\ ;; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Profile Details: Default profile ;; Developed on: Intel Q6700 @ 3.2ghz, 4x1gb RAM ;; Nvidia Ultra 8800, 6x500gb SATA RAID0 ;; ;=================================================================================== ;=================================================================================== ;=================================================================================== ; [Main Features Settings] Toggle Streamline Features (1=on, 0=off) ;=================================================================================== set SLv.Purging to 1 ; Turn on Streampurge? (cache purging) set SLv.FPSsmoothing to 0 ; Turn on Streamsmooth? (FPS smoothing) ; [color="#9932CC"]didn't like the constant detail-changes and it[/color] ; [color="#9932CC"]kept turning on the grass when FPS was high enough[/color] set SLv.Streamsaving to 1 ; Turn on Streamsaving? (timed autosaves) set SLv.Streamsight to 0 ; Turn on Streamsight? (FPS enhancer) ; [color="#9932CC"]ig-options and oblivion.ini settings I made are sufficient for me[/color] ;=================================================================================== ; [streampurge Settings] An automated cache-cleaner for Oblivion ;=================================================================================== set SLh.SLmode to 3 ; Memory Purge Mode (1-6) (Default: 3) ; Lower # = faster, higher # = slower set SLv.PurgeOnTravel to 1 ; Purge memory on travel & zone? set SLv.PurgeOnWait to 1 ; Purge memory when character waits? set SLv.PurgeOnSleep to 1 ; Purge memory when character sleeps? ;=================================================================================== ; [streamsmooth FPS Settings] Acceptable Minimum FPS & Detail Settings ;=================================================================================== set SLfpsmon.High to 31 ; Highest minimum FPS (top of range) set SLfpsmon.Low to 26 ; Lowest minimum FPS (bottom of range) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.maxVLOD to 100 ; Highest overall level of detail (%) ; Default: 100 (Max: 100) set SLv.minVLOD to 30 ; Lowest overall level of detail (%) ; Default: 0 (Min: 0) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.CombatFPS to 4.0 ; The number of FPS added to the min/max ; range when combat is happening nearby ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.FPSmoninterval to 6 ; Update interval for FPS smoothing ; (Number of updates per second) ; Faster updates = smoother performance ; Smoother performance = more CPU usage ; Default: 6/sec set SLv.sensitivity to 7.0 ; Sensitivity to changes (Default: 7.0) ; This is a relative number representing ; how fast Streamsmooth tries to adjust ; details to reach your FPS range. ; Lower numbers = faster changes ;=================================================================================== ; [streamsmooth Visual Categories] What can Streamsmooth change on-the-fly? ;=================================================================================== set SLv.setDetail to 0 ; LOD Detail, Specular, etc. set SLv.setGrass to 0 ; Grass density, range, etc set SLv.setTrees to 1 ; Tree detail, range, etc set SLv.setLightShadow to 0 ; Shadow number & range, etc. set SLv.setObjects to 1 ; Actors, Objects & Items distances set SLv.setWater to 0 ; Water details & reflections ;=================================================================================== ; [streamsave Settings] Streamsave configuration ;=================================================================================== set SLv.SaveTimer to 10 ; Autosave interval (in actual minutes) ; [color="#9932CC"]Every 10 minutes an automated cache-purge. Look below for explanation[/color] set SLv.NumSaveSlots to 5 ; Number of save slots to use (Max: 60) ; [color="#9932CC"]Default is 15, but i find 5 saves sufficient[/color] ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.DuringCombat to 0 ; Allow save during combat? set SLv.WhileYielding to 0 ; Allow save while yielding? set SLv.DangerousArea to 0 ; Allow save in dangerous environment? set SLv.AllowTrespass to 0 ; Allow saving while trespassing? set SLv.AllowSwimming to 1 ; Allow saving while swimming? set SLv.AllowSneaking to 1 ; Allow saving while sneaking? set SLv.AllowWeapon to 0 ; Allow saving while weapon out? ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AfterCombat to 0 ; Force a save after each combat ends? set SLv.InteriorOnly to 0 ; Save only when indoors? set SLv.WhenIdleOnly to 0 ; Save only when character is idle? set SLv.AfterZone to 0 ; Save after fast-travel or door use? set SLv.AfterWaitSleep to 0 ; Save after waiting or sleeping? ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.PlaySoundOnSave to 1 ; Play a sound on save? set SLv.GagAutoSaves to 0 ; Prevent an on-screen save message? set SLv.SaveReminders to 0 ; Use Save Reminders instead of autosaves? set SLv.UseLiteReminders to 0 ; Use messages (upper left area of screen) ; instead of message boxes? ; Note: requires SaveReminders enabled set SLv.SecureAutoSaves to 0 ; Use menumode to produce a secure ; autosave instead of using save slots? ; Note: disables multiple save slots! ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.LowHealth to 0 ; Allow save while health low? set SLv.LowHealthThreshold to 0.20 ; Don't save when health lower than x% ; 0.20 = 20% ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.SaveBeforeFastQuit to 0 ; Do a Streamsave before a Fast-Quit? ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave to 1 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave? ; Can help with stability of saving ; [color="#9932CC"]this together with the toher purge and save[/color] ; [color="#9932CC"]options should ensure you don`t have to open[/color] ; [color="#9932CC"]the console to type "pcb" anymore, though you[/color] ; [color="#9932CC"]still may if you like (Push dat button! Push dat button! Pull them levers![/color] ; [color="#9932CC"]Pull themlevers! HAHAHAA!! *zap zap*)[/color] ;=================================================================================== ; [streamsight Settings] Refer to documentation for values ;=================================================================================== set SLv.MinDistanceFog to 30000 ; Min distance before fog starts (0%) set SLv.MaxDistanceFog to 136000 ; Max distance before fog ends (100%) set SLv.MinWaterFog to 0 ; Min distance before water fog starts set SLv.MaxWaterFog to 2500 ; Max distance before water fog ends ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.WeatherUnsticker to 1 ; Leave set at 1 unless you use a ; scripted weather mod ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.ExtremeClipping to 0 ; Turn on clipping behind distant fog? ; Gains FPS, but can cause some ; clipping of distant mountains set SLv.ClipMin to 40000 ; Range under which clipping will stop set SLv.FogUpdateFrequency to 6 ; Speed control for fog updates (1 - 10) ; # of updates per sec (Default: 6) ;=================================================================================== ; [Miscellaneous Settings] Other misc settings for Streamline ;=================================================================================== set SLv.slFOVauto to 0 ; Can Streamline automatically alter FOV? set SLfov to 75 ; Field of View (FOV) Angle desired set SLv.FOVInDialogs to 0 ; Allow FOV changes during chat dialogs? ; Note: FOV changes work in 1st person ; gameplay only ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLKillCorpses to 0 ; De-crucifies standing, dead actors set SLv.MinKillDistance to 6000 ; Minimum distance from player a corpse ; needs to be for KillCorpses to work ; on it. (Default: 6000) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLdebug to 0 ; Turn on/off debug messages in console ; Debug level 1: Standard messages ; Debug level 2: Detailed messages ; Note: Debug level 2 can adversely ; affect FPS performance, but ; is highly detailed. ; (requires SL's debug esp to work) ;=================================================================================== ; [Hotkey Configuration] Hotkey combination settings for Streamline ;=================================================================================== ; ; Full list of key codes: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AS2LCR/Flash_10.0/help.html?content=00000520.html ; ;=================================================================================== ; - To disable the modifier key on any key combination, use 0 for the ModKey value ; - To disable a hotkey completely, use 0 for its main key ; - Disabling the Streamline main menu hotkey is *not* recommended ;=================================================================================== set SLv.TogglePurgeModKey to 0 ; ALT set SLv.TogglePurgeKey to 0 ; p ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.ToggleSmoothingModKey to 0 ; ALT set SLv.ToggleSmoothingKey to 0 ; f ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.MenuModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.MenuKey to 0 ; Home ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.PurgeModKey to 17 ; CTRL set SLv.PurgeKey to 46 ; del ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.MaxVLODModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.MaxVLODKey to 0 ; ] ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.MinVLODModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.MinVLODKey to 0 ; [ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AutoVLODModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.AutoVLODKey to 0 ; backspace ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.IncVLODModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.IncVLODKey to 0 ; . ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.DecVLODModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.DecVLODKey to 0 ; , ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.SaveModKey to 0 ; set SLv.SaveKey to 116 ; F5 ; [color="#9932CC"]Make sure to change Oblivion-qsave[/color] ; [color="#9932CC"]to another key, you are most likely not using[/color] ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.MusicModKey to 0 ; ALT set SLv.MusicKey to 0 ; m ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.FastQuitModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.FastQuitKey to 0 ; off, suggested key: F12 (123) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.ForceKillModKey to 0 ; CTRL set SLv.ForceKillKey to 0 ; insert ;=================================================================================== ; [Detailed Streamsmooth Settings] Individual Settings (for ADVANCED users) ;=================================================================================== set SLv.AA0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AA1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecualrStartMax set SLv.AA2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "The maximum range of Specular set SLv.AA3 to 2400.0 ; maxVAL lighting effects. Ties in set SLv.AA4 to 350.0 ; minVAL directly to fSpecularLOD" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AC0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AC1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecularLOD2 set SLv.AC2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "Max range at which Level of set SLv.AC3 to 2700.0 ; maxVAL detail (LOD) used for set SLv.AC4 to 300.0 ; minVAL specular lighting effects" ;------------------------------------------ set SLv.AD0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AD1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fSpecularLOD1 set SLv.AD2 to 16.0 ; lowVLOD "Min range at which Level of set SLv.AD3 to 2400.0 ; maxVAL detail (LOD) used for set SLv.AD4 to 0.0 ; minVAL specular lighting effects" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AE0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AE1 to 90.0 ; highVLOD - iMinGrassSize set SLv.AE2 to 10.0 ; lowVLOD "Grass density (inverse #) set SLv.AE3 to 80.0 ; maxVAL Larger numbers mean less set SLv.AE4 to 130.0 ; minVAL grass & higher framerates" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AF0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AF1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassEndDistance set SLv.AF2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Max distance at which to set SLv.AF3 to 7000.0 ; maxVAL display grass" set SLv.AF4 to 3000.0 ; minVAL ;------------------------------------------ set SLv.AG0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AG1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassStartFadeDistance set SLv.AG2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Distance from player at which set SLv.AG3 to 6000.0 ; maxVAL grass begins to fade out" set SLv.AG4 to 2000.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AH0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AH1 to 75.0 ; highVLOD - iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure set SLv.AH2 to 30.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of possible textures set SLv.AH3 to 4.0 ; maxVAL used per grass type" set SLv.AH4 to 1.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AJ0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AJ1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - iActorShadowCountInt set SLv.AJ2 to 20.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of actor shadows set SLv.AJ3 to 10.0 ; maxVAL displayed when indoors" set SLv.AJ4 to 0.0 ; minVAL ;------------------------------------------ set SLv.AK0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AK1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - iActorShadowCountExt set SLv.AK2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Number of actor shadows set SLv.AK3 to 10.0 ; maxVAL displayed when outdoors" set SLv.AK4 to 0.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AL0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AL1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fShadowLOD2 set SLv.AL2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Max range at which shadows set SLv.AL3 to 2900.0 ; maxVAL are displayed" set SLv.AL4 to 400.0 ; minVAL ;------------------------------------------ set SLv.AM0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AM1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fShadowLOD1 set SLv.AM2 to 25.0 ; lowVLOD "Range at which a lower level set SLv.AM3 to 2800.0 ; maxVAL of detail (LOD) starts being set SLv.AM4 to 200.0 ; minVAL used for shadows" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AP0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AP1 to 70.0 ; highVLOD - iShadowFilter set SLv.AP2 to 20.0 ; lowVLOD "Low/Medium/High shadow set SLv.AP3 to 2.0 ; maxVAL detail. Alters softness on set SLv.AP4 to 0.0 ; minVAL edges of shadows" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AS0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AS1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultActors set SLv.AS2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which set SLv.AS3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL actors begin to fade out" set SLv.AS4 to 4.0 ; minVAL ;------------------------------------------set SLv.AT0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AT1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultItems set SLv.AT2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which set SLv.AT3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL items begin to fade out" set SLv.AT4 to 1.5 ; minVAL ;------------------------------------------ set SLv.AU0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AU1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLODFadeOutMultObjects set SLv.AU2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Relative range at which set SLv.AU3 to 15.0 ; maxVAL objects begin to fade out" set SLv.AU4 to 4.5 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AY0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AY1 to 30.0 ; highVLOD - fTalkingDistance set SLv.AY2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD set SLv.AY3 to 2000.0 ; maxVAL set SLv.AY4 to 1000.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.AZ0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.AZ1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fLodDistance set SLv.AZ2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD set SLv.AZ3 to 2000.0 ; maxVAL set SLv.AZ4 to 250.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BA0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BA1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fFadeDistance set SLv.BA2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD set SLv.BA3 to 15288.0 ; maxVAL set SLv.BA4 to 9288.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BE0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BE1 to 66.0 ; highVLOD - bEquippedTorchesCastShadows set SLv.BE2 to 65.0 ; lowVLOD set SLv.BE3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL set SLv.BE4 to 0.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BK0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BK1 to 40.0 ; highVLOD - fTreeLODExponent set SLv.BK2 to 10.0 ; lowVLOD set SLv.BK3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL set SLv.BK4 to 0.2 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BL0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BL1 to 60.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsMisc set SLv.BL2 to 59.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections set SLv.BL3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Misc objects (rocks etc)" set SLv.BL4 to 0.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BM0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BM1 to 30.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsStatics set SLv.BM2 to 29.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections set SLv.BM3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Static objects (buildings set SLv.BM4 to 0.0 ; minVAL etc)" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BN0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BN1 to 40.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsTrees set SLv.BN2 to 39.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections set SLv.BN3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for Trees" set SLv.BN4 to 0.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set SLv.BO0 to 1.0 ; Enable? set SLv.BO1 to 50.0 ; highVLOD - bUseWaterReflectionsActors set SLv.BO2 to 49.0 ; lowVLOD "Turns on water reflections set SLv.BO3 to 1.0 ; maxVAL for actors (NPCs, monsters)" set SLv.BO4 to 0.0 ; minVAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;=================================================================================== ; [streamline Startup Code] *** DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION *** ;=================================================================================== StartQuest SLini2 Meddling with Windows Installed almost all (official) Windows updates. As written above I use WinXP SP3 and since I am one of those raving idiots who actually paid for it, I absolutely don't mind loitering on whatever Mcirosfot-sites I encounter, especially the updatesite, thus I have almost all recommended updates installed, except for some security-tool it always wants me to install and most stuff from the software-section. Also I didn't install the "recommended NVidia-driver-update, since this had pretty messed up my graphics, when I installed it once. But of course the driver issue almost likely won't apply to you except you coincidentally have the same graphic-card (and even then it don't have to be with the same result :smile: ) If you don't own a valid copy of Windows and are afraid to use the windows update, there are sites on the net which distribute these updates in huge self-installing archives (you can still choose which updates to skip and which not), but make sure that it is a trustworthy site through research. Better safe than sorry. Disabled Virus-Scanner's Real-Time-Protection updated the BIOS to the newest version I could find Maybe you better leave your BIOS as it is and only update if you are a) totally desperate or b) totally nuts or c) your boy-/girlfriend gambles too much, but then try to totally screw it up. He/she will never know what hit his/her secondary wife/husband. (personally i think its not that much of a deal in modern times, but I thought I should just go d'accord with all the apocalyptical warnings you find if you are looking to update your BIOS :dance: ) defragmented my HDD-partitions increased pagefile-size (virtual memory) to a value matching my Physical Memory (2048 MB), though Windows/Oblivion still isn't able too handle an overall memory-size over 3GB (roughly). at 2910 MB overall memoryusage with free physical memory down to round about 7MB it seems to not be able to swap/overwrite large blocks. If not tiredness, this is the only thing that keeps me from playing more than roughly six hours, which I guess is way enough for casual gamers. But at that point my PC only shuffles data, seemingly like that: pagefile occupied (space is to show that only 3/4 [FULLFULLFULL ] seemingly used anyway)-> [ ULLFULLFULL ] a small portion is released-> [uLLFULLFULL ] all remaining portions are getting copiedto another block-> [uLLFULLFULLF ] leaving another small portion, which is sadly filled all too quick again (yay the Dremora made a step towards me :dance: At least that is how it "feels". But nonetheless, even if I switch tasks in this state (which naturally takes ages) Oblivion won't crash on me, so I can always do a save before I switch to TaskManager to kill the Oblivion-process. Most times I even manage to get into the gamemenu (where memory-usage luckily goes down) and can quit in the regular way. I make use of progs like CCleaner (for deleting temp-data and deinstalling, not for registry-cleaning) and XPAntiSpy also contains a few tweaks for windows, though it is mainly made to close security-leaks. turned off some unnecessary Windows Services Sorry mates, don't know the exact terms, because my services (Dienste) are displayed in german and since this is somewhat precarious (messing with windows internals is almost ever precarious if you are an intermediate user like me :laugh: ), so I just want to point out some things you might look up again on the net. Most Services have almost no effect on performance anyway and are more likely to be deactivated for security-reasons. But hey, if it saves me only a few puny MBs, I won't have to turn off my Desktop-pictures :) . In regards of system-stability the changes I made here seem to have no effect (though I illussionize myself that it's even more stable now . Faith can move mountains) I turned off for example: all services related to remote-desktop/remote-server usage, except "RPC"!!!!! the printer-queue-thingie, which starts spoolsv.exe, since I don't own a working printer atm. automatic updates (turn it back on to download windows updates and then shut it down again) error reporting service (hey, I had it on for about a year and not a single time when I encountered technicalproblems a nice Morcisfot-employee came by to help me out, so just beat it :teehee: ) HID Input Service (its for using hotkeys on your mouse/keyboard. my keyboard has such hotkeys and I hate it when I accidently hit the wrong button and my display switches to crappy outlook express or media player just in the middle of a fiery battle) Help & Support (Help & Support isn't much of a big deal and mostly you are better served browsing the net for a solution) compatibility for quick changing of user-profiles (since I only use one profile [Administrator] on my OS, there is a great possibility that I don't have to quickly change to ....um another?!) performance data protocols and warnings (yeah, yeah, call me danger-seeker, I also deactivated....) MS Software Shadow Copy Provider notification service completely unsure of how to translate this. says it sends NET Send and warningnotifications between clients and servers. Network DDE-Service Office Setup Source ain't using office and even if I would, I believe it can be safely disabled security center Smartcard system recovery Don't need this, since I regularly make backups on external DSDs Task scheduler TelNet Terminal services (?) Volume Shadow Copy Also there are most likely some services not from Microsoft, mostly automated updater for virus-scanners and things like that. I disabled all automated Updaters, since I like to specify the time myself (Yes, Oblivion can crash if some stupid update-message throws you on desktop >:( ). Also it doesn't hurt to look up the running processes once in a while for suspicious entries...saying that, wait where did i get this one from? Windows Media Player Network sharing service(??) no Microsoft service, so its at least suspicious (doubleclick -> disabled). Normally I have 24 processes running in idle-mode, hoping I'll break the 20 processes line someday :laugh: . Things I didn't do and most likely won't anyways, even if they might sound useful to one or the other Didn't use 3GB-enablerDidn't alter the registry (keyword: PAE)Don't use redux-mods (For FO3 i use reduced litter or something like that, but in Oblivion I rather use the opposite )Don't use any memory-"freeing"-applicationsDon't use any tuning-utilities (like seitilitU puenuT) Things I haven't done, but maybe I'll try it out some day or respectively are things others might find useful Installing the Oblivion Stutter Remover(link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23208) Reducing Texture Size to Medium installing RPG-BlackDragons LowTriPolyGrass-Mod (link: http://www.oldblivion.com/sm/index.php?topic=3910.0 ) Get a new rig with multiple cores each core with high clockings, mainboard capable of handling DDR5 RAM, a matching graphics-card and soundcard 5.1 surround capable and a nice SSD-HDD. oh, and of course a decent OS which can utilize such a setup :smile: . Maybe I'll try out the following .ini settings: bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1 bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1 bBackgroundCellLoads=1 bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1 iBackgroundLoadLoading=1 bBackgroundPathing=1 You might want to try out the following .ini settings if you are using a Pentium 4 HT CPU 8or own a low-end dualcore:bUseThreadedBlood=1 bUseThreadedMorpher=1 bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1 bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1 bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1 iNumHavokThreads=5 iThreads=9 iOpenMPLevel=10 What I wanted to accomplish in the first placeThe big problem for me wasn't the Stuttering or long loading times. What was bugging me so was that I hit a 1000tons heavy memory-ceiling after playing for aprox. 1.5 hours. After that timeframe i encountered the problem I've explained under Windows settings -> increased pagefile size, only that before I did all these changes I wasn't able to do a quick save before quitting. At first I tried to find a way, that Windows would mark these sections of the RAM that were unused as overwritable again, but I haven't found any means for that. Then I looked for a way that Windows would use more portions of the pagefile.sys or in other words tried to raise the memory ceiling up to 4gb (2GB Virtual and 2GB Physical Memory, but haven't found a trustworthy approach either. So all changes I made were with a kind of give-and-take in mind and not only for gaining FPS above all else. And even though I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve....um dammit wrong speech :woot::D ..and even though I don't know much about history, don't know much biology...urgh..forget it. I just wanted to say that I'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to computerprocesses, but I never have messed up my Systems in a way that I had to do a rollup or something like that + Oblivion is running way better and longer for me now that is. Still, after quitting Oblivion I have to reboot, since Windows isn't inclined to mark the portions of the memory containing uneeded Data as usable. Some things I'd really like to know Anyone knows how exactly the following two console commands work? - RunMemoryPass (rmp)- WasteMemory and Why did that chicken actually wanted to cross the street in the first place? :wacko: Small excerpt of the mods I'm using Unique Landscapes Compilation (containing 26 unique landscapes)Unofficial Oblivion Patch (+supplementals)Kvatch Rebuild (Out from the Ashes.... )Exnems HGEC Body Replacer + HighRez (ok, only 2048x2048) TexturesHuge Goddesses Store (HUGE Collection of individual clothing/armor and a FPS-Killer if you are inside the store )A 75mb Horse-mod replacing and adding better-looking horsesGlenvar Castle (quest and player castle)Cybiades (quest)EVE HGEC Body Stock and armor replacerDarkUId DarN (customizable User Interface)Vaults of Cyrodiil (kind of quest/ambient thingie)Vanity Camera SmootherUnderdark (Quest)Spell Item and deleteSirene Island player house (more of estate)Rens Beauty Mod + Soyas Hair-stylesScript Sound Fix (fixes an annoying bug after installing some specific mods, which is creating a thumping/thundering sound every 20 secs or so)Quest Award Leveling (leveled items level together with your char)Optimized Facegen FilesMap Markers Be Done (lets you set you own map markers)House Improve (extends space and functionality of the buyable playerhouses)many, many others (Quests, replacers, armor, weapons, gameplay optimisations,...) Though there are still some Mods I want to install sometime in the future (already got 26 others downloaded, but since they are also quite huge and changing a lot of things I better handle them with care) Ok, I guess that were quite many informations, but I do hope that some of you can use the one or the other setting or Tool. If anything in specific is not clear for you and you need more information about it please don't hesitate to ask. Farewell and good gaming, Onikobe PS: I'm almost sure that I forgot to mention the one or the other thing, but that is as complete as it gets now, since it got really late and when I started all this I hadn't thought of sharing the fruits of my work. Sorry for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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