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Menu screen does not show buttons; freezes


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A couple of days ago, this weird bug came up. The game starts normally, but once it gets to the slide with the ranger then the buttons that should be on the main menu do not show up, and the game freezes. Anyone get this problem/ have any bright ideas how to fix it?


I have had this game since release and I have never encountered this bug before




I disabled all mods, and it worked. Trying to find conflict now.

Edited by Phasers
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I saw your edit of the OP.

A missing dependency is probably the most common cause for this kind of error.

If you go back to your orig load order and then open FNVEdit it will fail too if you are missing a file, and tell you which one :)

If FNVEdit does open OK, then at least you'll be able to rule out that one.

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I found the mod with the issue, not quite sure why it had it because it has been uneventfully installed for the longest time. The only sort of changes could have I made were in the GECK. But anyway disabling the mod solved the problem. Thanks for the help!
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