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Random In-Game Items


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I'm big on collecting things in Fallout. Actually, in any game I've ever played that allowed me to, I collected stuff. Earth and Beyond, it was various bits of the enemies I would kill (kinda morbid, I know), in World of Warcraft it was books, in Fallout 3 it was Teddy Bears and Pre-War Money.


Now, here I am in Fallout New Vegas. I collect almost anything. Especially Pre-War Books. And pencils, mostly because of the Willow mod. Once I started, I never stopped. But I want to collect some new stuff. I like to display them around my home.


So far, I've added Pantyhose Packs ** http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36460 **, Teddy Bear - Color Bears ** http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38331 **, and Unique Items and Collectables ** http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40823 **.


Are there any other collectors out there who know of other mods that would add nice things to collect? I've looked through the site already, having used the search function and have browsed EVERY page of Miscellaneous section. I don't care what it is. As long as it's not weaponry or armor. Armor doesn't display well when dropped, besides using the MannequinNV mod, and I'm not a fan of the godly weapons out there.


Any suggestions are welcomed. I'm also interested to hear your story on what you like to do with your collection.

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