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Game keeps crashing...


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Your game ini file is not crucial as long as you keep your save files intact and install all the necessary mods to load em. If you're missing for example custom race mod such as cute elves or moonshadow elves etc etc the game will crash. So what you should do if you haven't done already is to reinstall your game on non C:\programs and make sure the game launches. Then if your game is not GOTY edition install the official patch and then the unofficial patches. Add your utility software also so you can manage your mods easier. Then install the race mod that you were currently using. Test the game to see if your save can be loaded or not. Then add the armor that you're currently using. Test the game again. So basically add non complex mods such as armors, weapons, sounds, custom race (maybe) then test the game. After that is done go for the overhauls and other complex large mods to return back to the game you were playing before the re-installation. This way if there's a major problem, you can track it and either fix the mod if you can or deactivate it.
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