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okay, many of you might be thinking of trying to steal my mod ideas. You can, but PLEASE give me a copy of it when it is done. Include me in the credits (don't care how) and the rest of ti is YOURS. I don't care or anything, but please don't steal my idea without giving me a copy. I want to see my mods happen. Got it? I messed up and put this in the wrong topic. Go to my profile and view my other topic. Can anyone mvoe this there?
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Not to sound too flamey, but get over yourself. If you don't want your ideas taken, don't post them, this is common sense with anything, both online, and in real life. At any rate, just because someone may take your idea doesn't mean they have the ability to do anything with it. Making a thread suggesting that people "MUST READ" only makes you look like a fool, especially since most people around here don't know who you are, and couldn't care less. If you're posting stuff you would like to see, just be happy that someone even bothered to do it, or that it was even possible to do.


That said, your mod ideas aren't really anything that someone could just take. Big mods like that take months of skilled work to even do anything close. Even if someone wanted to steal your ideas out of spite, they would still likely be unable to finish due to the scope involved. And, if someone did manage to finish, they would likely have had to do enough of their own work on the project to remove any claims you may have for credit. Nevermind the thousands of other people who have had mod ideas which deal with Stuff in and around Morrowind. So, sorry to break it to you, but you're getting all concerned over nothing. As ideas go, yours isn't really worth the trouble in doing.

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