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LITERAL Skyrim Trailer


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I found this video on YouTube and thought it was awsome! Please, I'm sorry if this was already posted. I also do NOT own the rights to this video.

Just thought I'd share with my Elder Scroll loving brothers. :thumbsup:

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LOL! that's awesome :D

Right? I like the "STOP! No, that's a cliff." part.

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Hahahaha thanks for posting this! I saw it awhile ago, but it was even funnier to see it again. The first minute or so is the best though.

No problem. :thumbsup:

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I think someone already posted this, but nice to see it again

"And thats why, you should sit still, at the barbeeerrr. Dragon's ghost, goes to tell its backuup: "Thanks, for NOTHAANG!!"

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Love it XD thanks dude. I guess dragons don't help a bro in need.... :facepalm:

That appears to be so. :biggrin:

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