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Todd Howard reveals Vampires and Vampire levelling...


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Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong... but the vampire "game mechanics" haven't really changed since Daggerfall... I for one want to see something new. I understand devs need new fans hence the way it was announced, but I need to see something new on the vamp front to get excited about it.


Could be possible to temporarily turn the infected PC into an NPC (retaining viewpoint) when "hungry" and in the presence of a wounded mortal NPC, and thereby forcing the player to attack and viciously feed off the NPC regardless of the situation... could be pretty cool. Image the face of the player who thought vampirism would be a cool advantage with little to no consequence, as their character goes into a blood-frenzy...





...in the middle of a tavern brawl... in front of the city guard!

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I just wonder if being a vampire and killing dragons will be a totally new experience?


I doubt it will be any different, so far no powers or interesting features have been revealed about them.

True that.

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Well hopefully they've fixed the silly "You get more powerful the less you feed." Like that makes sense...


I hope it's more like early TES games with Vampire clans and factions rather than a disease that you deal with alone.


I think there will be a faction though what im worried about is, if playing a vampire will be worthwile, it certainly wasnt in oblivion vanilla...playing only to get to see the same type of feeding animation zilion times without any interesting powers/features added to the gameplay mechanics/visuals/animation gets old very fast.


The thing with tes games in my opinion is time...to make such enormous world takes a lot of time itself...then quests... then AI...so many things come off short becouse of that. It would have been maybe better to add vampirism/lycanthropy as dlcs...that way they would have had time to polish them then instead making them only 1/10 of what they could be.


I rewatched the vid a few times...the way he speaks about it is like he would like to say more about how awesome it is to be a vampire, but there isnt much to be said about it...i found the "you can become a vampire and thats a whole new mode" sentence funny in comparsion to the "so you can become a vampire (little pause)..and you can kill dragons!..as a vampire"...i dont know it just sounds not very convincing.

Edited by pavy
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Well we can change it anyway with the creation kit, in my oblivion I replaced my vampire powers (spells) to super speed, super acrobatics and super strenght and raised vampire health for 1000 so when I fight them it´s hard when I´m still human so sometimes I just avoid them, I also changed the weapons damage to be more realistic so don´t think I cheat by being a vampire with 1000 health XD after all vampires are powerfull.Then I use mods for toggle night vision and detect life, the more I go without feeding more damage I take from the sun too.I love being a vampire, need to feed and need to get shelter for the day and it just gives that feeling like oh I´m a vampire beware XD
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On the optimest side of things, he could purposely be trying not to get us all hyped up because they are working on vampirism to make it newer. The moment they are sure vampirism is MUCH better, they will then release it in full =).


(P.S. Yes, I realize that this is wishful thinking)

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the vampire system didn't bother me in oblivion, but what botherd me was the lack of vampire quests or perks. yes you got skill boosts the less you drank blood (which seems backward), but you only had the option to go on a vampiric quest whwn you wished to be cured. Bethesda could have at least made it possable to not be attacked by vams if you were one ( i know a buch of mods fixed this problem) and/ or added rival vamp groups. in sky rim i hope they add the ablity to be nonhostile with vamps if you are one or vamp groups, this would be a ajor improvement. but at the very minium make more vamp quests.
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