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Topic trouble


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Hey i followed the My first shop guild the the wiki and succesfully created a shop. but i was trying to make him say stuff. I can add to GREETING thru quest window but he allways says all the greetings randomly instead of just mine. Also ive made seprate topics your susposed to be able to click on but they wont show up? I need help with this ty for ur time


P.S I also am trying to make a topic only show up when the player has obtained a book i wrote.


P.P.S If i add GREETING to a NPC's topics Tab then add mine and delete the others will it affect other NPCs that use GREETING

Edited by X13Studios
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The best thing is to create your own custom quest and put your dialog into it. Then you can jack the priority of your custom quest up t0 75, 90, or even 100 if that is what it takes to make the NPCs use your custom dialog. The game engine is set up so that NPCs will draw random dialog from all possible sources if the conditions are met. So your priority needs to be very high, and your quests should be structured such that they do not break if some of your GREETINGs get lost and the NPCs are saying other stuff instead.


You need to use AddTopic to make a new topic available.


You need a condition sort of like this to make the dialog only available when the player is carrying a certain book:


If Run on Target Yes GetItemCount AAMyQuestBook >= 1.00 AND


Never go deleting vanilla Oblivion dialog infos unless you are an experienced modder who knows exactly what you are doing and are building an unusual mod that you know will conflict with other mods. The standard procedure is to add to Oblivion rather than subtracting from it. If you mess with the vanilla Oblivion dialog, NPCs all over Tamriel will have their dialog changed.


To make your NPCs have custom dialog and have them be the only ones who use it, place conditions on each of your infos sort of like this:


If Run on Target No GetIsID AAMyNPCGeorge == 1.00 AND

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