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aliensoldier - BANNED

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aliensoldier banned.


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Last updated at 15:23, 16 September 2011, Uploaded at 14:34, 15 September 2011


This mod will add a new Radiochannel to your Pipboy called "Rocky Radio".

It plays up to 31 different songs of the genre Rock'n'Roll, from the 60's.


List of Songs and Componists:


Ouja - Alan Darby

It's Soul Time - Anders Lewen

Gimme Soulshine - Anders Lewen

Funky Godfather - Anders Lewen

Beehive Yourself - Anders Lewen

Musle Soul - Anders Lewen

Memphis Guitar Soul - Anders Lewen

For what it's worth - Buffalo Springfield

[rest of list hidden]


Surfing Days - Christian Leroux

Rolling Bones - Cliff Johns

Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Let's Walk - D Davies, J Hollick, J.Sharp, F.Shelley , R Harris, T Watt

Nirvana Express - Frederic Kooshmanian, Tremolo Tom

Take your time - Frédéric Vitani

We Got the Power - Frédéric Vitani

L'Amour Et L'Enfer - Jack Arel

Strange Galaxy - Jack Arel

Enter the Ironman - Jack Arel

A Sunny Day - Jack Arel, Pierre Dutour

Rythm under the Skin - Jean-Claude Petit

Say You'll Be Mine - John O'Brien-Docker

Freak Out - John O'Brien-Docker

Sock it to me baby - John O'Brien-Docker

Samantha - John O'Brien-Docker

Susie - John O'Brien-Docker

Backbreaker - Johnny Hawksworth

The Connection - Marlene Moore

Dreamsville - Patrick Tarnaud

Scramble - Pete Phillips

Bewilderment - Pierre Dutour

Running Free - Rolf Hug



*Note: All of the listed songs belong to their respectful owners and componists!

Yes, yes they do belong to other people. And using them without permission brings the banhammer down on you here.

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