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Willow and Veronica


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In my second last playthrough, (with veronica, edee and willow following) I got about half way through when Veronica all of sudden stopped following me. She would appear at the entrance point with my other companions but she would just stay there and not move but would reappear every time we went to a new section but still not move. A bit later( after leaving her at the 38 and taking up with cass) Willow started to lay down wherever she was. At this point I restarted the game. In my current play through, when I met Veronica at the rest stop and asked her to follow, her behavior was the same as when I bailed, she would not follow but simply appeared at the beginning of each new section and would not move. I sent her away. About half way through this replay, Willow is now doing exactly what Veronica was doing, not moving from her loading position. Arggg! As soon as this happened, I loaded an earlier game but she still stayed put. I have reinstalled willow with no change. Anybody have any ideas?

My version of NV has several mods, wsex,mikotobeuty, a world of pain. Nskies, project nevada, companions, animated prostitution, wsexinuendoNPCs, 100repair, rusttown, eve, GNRpodcast, babydoll, nice cass, bouncing natural breasts and nvwillow.

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Are they laying down like they are trying to sleep or are they flopping down as though unconscious? If it's laying down like they are going to sleep then I think it's Sexual Innuendo as that is known to be able to break Willow's following. I didn't know it could break Veronica as well. It could be AP as well, as that can cause problems too. If you are going to use the girls + SI I suggest you save before doing any activities with them so if they stop following immediately after any SI specific activity of any kind you can reload to when they were still working. Although, since I don't know exactly all ways in which SI can take them off of their own packages I don't know how often you might need to reload. You might be able to fix Willow by taking her journal away from her. That can fix it sometimes, at least until the next time SI messes up her packages. Removing SI from your load list should fix the problem, although you might need to either start over or go back to a time when they weren't broken, I'm not sure.


:) llama

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Thanks for the help LLama! I'll give it a try. :)



Are they laying down like they are trying to sleep or are they flopping down as though unconscious? If it's laying down like they are going to sleep then I think it's Sexual Innuendo as that is known to be able to break Willow's following. I didn't know it could break Veronica as well. It could be AP as well, as that can cause problems too. If you are going to use the girls + SI I suggest you save before doing any activities with them so if they stop following immediately after any SI specific activity of any kind you can reload to when they were still working. Although, since I don't know exactly all ways in which SI can take them off of their own packages I don't know how often you might need to reload. You might be able to fix Willow by taking her journal away from her. That can fix it sometimes, at least until the next time SI messes up her packages. Removing SI from your load list should fix the problem, although you might need to either start over or go back to a time when they weren't broken, I'm not sure.


:) llama

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