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for years all across the wasteland ppl have herd and few have seen and lived to tell the tail of the death-claw but what if these legendary creatures carry in there D.N.A a disease so horrific that to catch it would cause its host to wish for death for as long as he lives and as when the sun sleeps the beast wakes and every night for the rest of there cursed natural life they are transformed into the best they once fought a curse so cruel its perfect ?


so yh in other words the mod im asking and hoping for is lycanthropy but for death-claws so that when you fight one you would contract the disease and every night you would transform into one unable to use weapons or armour in the transformed state :) (just thort id give a tail about the curse before hand haha) so if anyone out there has any time on there hands and could make this work i know a lot of people who would be ecstatic myself included :P

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