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Ode to Gary


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You will need to read the spoiler to understand the poem. Reading it beforehand will ruin it for you afterwards.



My mother has had this lemon tree growing in a barrel for years in her front yard. It started as a sprig from a different lemon tree, which was planted in the backyard and yields good fruit. The barrel tree never really bore fruit, and when it did they amounted to tiny key-lime like replicas. After so long of watering in the barrel, there pretty much was no longer any soil. Just root. Anyways, recently she gave that tree to someone, and she named the tree Gary. She wrote an ode to it as a joke and emailed it to everyone. As a joke to her joke I wrote this. Kinda crummy, but it wasn't exactly an inspiring topic, rofl.





The light shines so bright and yellow, the winds howl and bellow,

the air is crisp and cool, ground devoid of any fiend or ghoul,

nothing shall inhibit your growth.


Your lemons, so juicy and sweet, help stem off the day's heat.

With a simple cut of the knife I can see you've grown with such life,

To you the world swore an oath.


But, you see, no matter how juicy you may be,

your perfection did not pass to his inception,

Poor, sad little Gary.


From branch to tree, as quick as "One, two, three,"

Gary was doomed, no flowers were bloomed,

Forced to live just barely.


Many days had passed and you sat and asked,

"How can I stand tall with nothing but a root-ball?"

Your potential we shall never see.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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