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Hellgate: London


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While Hellgate isn't terrible (it's actually rather fun most of the time), it's just not special in the same way Diablo 2 is.


Have the same feelings. It's nothing special about it. I finished normal mode which was kind of fun. Started Nightmare Mode and it got incredibly boring. I bought it because of the Multiplayer Mode. I Found a party 2 times while playing normal mode and we couldn't enter any area together because we didn't have the same quests. The only thing Multiplayer is good for at the moment is posing with your gear in a subway station. I will wait for about half a year until i try it again. Perhaps than there will be a better chat system, pvp,..... I quit Diablo long time ago but still remember having a lot of fun in Multiplayer. At the moment fun factor of hellgate is at about 30% of old diablo.

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