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Update Avalanche


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Not a complaint but a question i can't help but ask.


First off i realize there was nothing that could be done about losing the tessource file screenies. Its a shame but it can't be helped and we move on. Thursday's announcement of user image uploading is an inspired idea and great news. I hope that lots of people do it and help 're-stock'. Tesnexus is evolving nicely and though i'm sure as it has for many others, losing the images has been a blow, this could prove to be the most phoenix-like area of the new site. (Hopefully the mod authors will be open to it and trust the moderators judgement). If it works there will be a wealth of great images for every mod in the database.


So no complaints from me about each and every mod being updated with new images if they need them. But it looks like the number of updated or edited files in the daily updates section has started to bulge at the seems.


The problem is that at the moment the only way to tell, as far as i can see, which are new versions and which have only had images added is by checking each and every changelog. This could take someone with many mods a long time and with the possibility of a mod's image bank changing every other day in future it will get frustrating to say the least making sure you don't overlook a new version of your mods.


So finally the point. Is it at all possible then, technically or time-wise to have, further to the changelog, just a simple icon of say, a camera or an eye next to a file which has merely had an image update, or a page symbol by one with just a text change? You could sift through the updates at a glance then and keep so much more hair.


It could be something you've considered already and of course we'll survive if it never happens but i thought it might be worth a punt, and see what response it gets. cheers.

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Another possibility would be to have a separate list for files which have recently had an image uploaded (by the user, not the author). If you do Glue's idea, the list of recently updated files will still become massive, and as only a certain number can be shown on the site, it would still be very easy to miss a mod if it was updated even just a couple of days ago- this is especially useful if you don't check the site that often (like me- I mostly stick to the forums, unless I'm looking for a particular mod).
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