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What is the true value of currency


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Money is symbiotic with many things, amongst labour. True, supply and demand is greater, I agree on that. But you can not buy things if you don´t have labour to produce them. Then your money is useless. I think it is a circle that bites its own tail. You want to buy things, you have to work, and get money-you want to produce things you have to buy labour and spend money. Which is greater?

Is it good to be wealthy? Probably, if you are wise enough to not let money turn you into an "money-addict". To have it all? I don´t think so. What wishes, what goals can even the most creative person put up, when having just about all in this world?

Money as a goal for ambitions it self? I have been independant with my nursery for about 30 years. I never earn some really good money, but I have goals and ambitions that drives me everyday. The happiness just to see what I do is satisfactory. It makes me happy.

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