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There are two ways: the hard way, and the easy way. The hard way is to design the website in a program like Frontpage or Dreamweaver and find a server to upload it on; however that would require extensive knowledge of HTML and Javascript, and require a server. The easy way is to find an online service like http://www.invisionfree.com/ and make your forum there. Then all of the coding is done for you.
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Or there's the middle way, which involves finding a server to host it on (there are plenty of good free ones around), and then downloading and installing Simple Machines Forums (http://www.simplemachines.org/), which has its own setup utility, so isn't that hard to install. The advantage of this is that you get a lot more freedom in what you can and can't do, which is often restricted with services like Invisionfree.
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Before you go off making a forum, you should really take a step back and think about why you even need one. I don't know how many forums I've seen where either they diie out after a week of just the owner posting, or have degraded to bot central. Forums require alot of work and alot of people to keep them going. If people don't have a reason to sign up, they won't. If people don't have a reason to stick around, they won't. Worse yet, you occasionally attract people who join your forums just to screw it up. A forum I used to run got royally vulked over Christmas because one of the mods had their passwords either stolen or figured out. I had to spend the following week trying to redo all the settings and tracking down members, in the meantime people left, and the forum never really recovered. Furthermore, if what you're doing this forum for is related to anything that requires a username/password, most capable people are aware that your forum could just be an attempt at stealing their passwords, so will either not register, or will use differing information (just incase that was your plan). Those that use same info an password are just idiots (meaning that if this applies, you should probably change those passwords).
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