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Skills for Weapons MK II / Scripting Question


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Hello Scripters,


I have downloaded the AIM Mod which introduces min. requirements for Weapons.

When you equip a weapon you are not skilled enough to use, a message appears und the weapon is droped.


This is quite a good idea, but it is bothering to pick up the weapons on the ground, sometimes they even fall below the surface.


I had the following Idea:



Why not use the script that prevents you to use weapons of condition 0 !!!

This prevents the equiping (white dot) of weapons with condition 0, no droping, just a message in the upper left corner, that the weapon nedds repairs,

before it con be used.



The problem is, I can not find this script in "scripts" no hits for repair, condition neither in "messages".


Does anyone know how this script works or what it is called like???


Big THX to everyone.



Edited by christianerding
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