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I really like this idea. It reminds me of Doom where you had to switch between flashlight and weapon. I think it'd be a good idea. When it's taken out, it can slowly drain your stock of Energy Cells. But at a pretty slow rate, given it's only shedding focused light and not shooting something with a high energy discharge. A stock of 10-20 cells should have you good for an entire in-game day.


For melee damage, it could do a basic amount for a small, bunt weapon. Maybe half of a nightstick? But it should have pretty low durability, since it's just a flashlight, right? And since it's a light source, I personally think that it should decrease your stealth, just like the pip-boy light.


It's times like these that I wish I could make models and mod this game. *crams more knowledge into head*

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