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combining ESP's


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Ok, I've been working on this mod for awhile and some pretty complex stuff goes on, so I know my way around pretty well, but I have kind of a noob question here. I'm trying to rip out some specific parts of my original mod and make it into a supplemental ESP or a patch of some kind but am not sure how to proceed. I've managed to make a secondary ESP with the elements I need, but they use editor ID's and scripts and variables that are also used by the main ESP, but they don't seem to function properly. Should I be making the secondary ESP file dependent on the main one as a master? if so how do I go about it?



Also I want to place a painting inside the refinished castle of Kvatch in the "Kvatch rebuilt" mod. I have a ref of the painting in the ruined castle for a quest of mine, but since so many people use KR, I wanted to integrate the painting into the finished castle. So no problem, I load up KR and my mod with my mod as the active one, place the painting, and it works fine, however it now requires KR as a master file in order to run my mod. I tried loading up both without an active file and just saving the painting placement in the KR cell, but the CS crashes every time, probably due to the script references on the painting, or the fact that that is no way to combine elements into one ESP.


So any help is appreciated.

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To make it a master you normally have to esmify it with Wrye Bash otherwise the the vanilla Construction Set will not accept it as a master.

But there is a simpler way, download and install Construction Set Extender.

This Extender will take care of master issues (and a lot of other things), no need of messing around with the files :)

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if you are making a patch, to update your file to Kr compatible, then I would just load your mod, Kr and then your active (patch) file. This would be like a 2 Kb fix, but it would also take up another load order slot. Otherwise you could update your esp and load it after the Kr file, which would only place the picture in the cell if a certain script dependent event happened. In other words, it would be initially disabled, then enable it in an OnLoad block, checking for a script event telling that Kvatch has indeed been rebuilt. Edited by theuseless
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