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Better Bodies Armor Conversions


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I'm looking for complete conversions of all the vanilla, tribunal and bloodmoon armors for better bodies. Not sexy versions, not female only versions, just conformed to the better bodies meshes. if anyone can help me out i'd be most appreciative.
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I'm looking for complete conversions of all the vanilla, tribunal and bloodmoon armors for better bodies. Not sexy versions, not female only versions, just conformed to the better bodies meshes. if anyone can help me out i'd be most appreciative.

Brilliant timing, I just installed Morrowind for a little trip down nostalgy lane, and am looking for the exact same thing...

So, just posting here to make it known the OP is not alone on his quest!

Edited by SilverDrake
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I'm not sure if it is totally complete, but this comes from the forums of the creators of Better Bodies: http://www.psychodogstudios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4946. Scroll down a little bit to get the download. You might be able to find packs that finish it out on Planet Elder Scrolls.
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I'm not sure if it is totally complete, but this comes from the forums of the creators of Better Bodies: http://www.psychodogstudios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4946. Scroll down a little bit to get the download. You might be able to find packs that finish it out on Planet Elder Scrolls.


Anyone have a copy of files from this dead link? Sadly psychodogstudios site is dead and corrected armors for Better Bodies are badly needed. It's hard to find such pack on Planet Elder Scrolls.

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