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As the time pass by... November is coming!


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As November came close, more my head aches. Yeah, I worried. But, guess you, why? And maybe I not the only one... And here is what is giving me a hard time:


How do I can buy TES V: Skyrim? As for Oblivion, I was just too luck to have my uncle going to Orlando due to work by that time, but right now, there is no light at end of my dungeon :(


I know Skyrim will cost top dollar for those out of Bethesda comercial zone (things like import taxs that at my country is very huge for that kind of stuff like softwares and games - any decent PS2 or PS3 will cost for me no less than 300U$ on it release year) I'm on Brazil - in a very small city that doesn't even have a mall ¬.¬' - and I cannot use international creditcard to buy it online (my job doesn't pay enought for the Bank give me one) so I was think: as the official site has a portugues feature for language, is there - even if its small - a possibility of Skyrim be sold at South America? On Brazil, exactly.


If not, what is the best - and I hope that its not expensive one - way to buy Skyrim without have to wait for two year until it get off the "new game" list.


Thanks for any help :)



*Ps: I put it on the wrong place, just delete it please.

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I live in portugal and games are expensive here too.For my ps3 I buy them from the uk amazon but skyrim I´ll get it here.Try ask for somebody in your family that has a credit card that can use and you give him the physical money that that person is using virtually.
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See like my hopes keep getting little by time... T-T


Never buyed anything from amazon before, so I would like to ask if its safe and if its work with paypal or something like that... I really start to consider to beg my aunt for her creditcard (but there lie the problem of her gigant hate to all king of game :(

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Well nothing is against hackers, if somebody wants to get into a site they do it eventually.I used credit card on PSN and not anymore after the hackers attack but recently I bought from amazon oblivion 5th anniversary edition and all went well.PS3 games here in portugal are like 70 euros sometimes almost 80 so I buy them for less than 40 euros on amazon from uk.But since you´r in brasil you might have to pay the product plus ports if it´s from UK wich can make it expensive.My oblivion goty edition here in portugal was 20 euros, when I got anniversary edition from amazon it was at 20 something euros but with ports and sutff I ended up paying 50 euros.
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I can't really help you with your situation too much, sorry, But I will try my best:(,


Firstly I order most of my games from Amazon and nothing has gone wrong for me and all the delivery's have come on time, I even have Skyrim preordered for release date delivery and I have full faith that Amazon will deliver it to me on time and not mess me about, So yes from my experiences it is very safe.


But I live in the UK and I've read on the UK website that they don't deliver to Brazil so you can't order off there, you'll have to order of the US Amazon which will be exactly the same as the UK website. I'v looked up that It will cost $59.99 for the game plus $4.99 for standard shipping to Brazil and that It will take 16-30 days to arrive or you can pay more for it to Be delivered earlier.


The Link gives you information about Latin American delivery times and postage prices,




I hope this helps:).

Edited by lulubellxo
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