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Strange blocking on textures / moire pattern


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Hey guys,


Yesterday I noticed this strange "blocking" or "moire" pattern on all the textures in Oblivion... most noticeable on ground textures. I can see it on bed textures, rugs, stone cobbling, everything. It's like there's something wrong with the "filtering" on the textures that make it look as if it was a hundred different texture pieces spliced together and the lines didn't quite match up. Take a look at the first attachment... You will have to look at it full size...




If you can't see what i'm talking about right away, take a look at the second screenie where I drew a light grid over some of the blocks so they stand out.




I disabled OBGE, made sure AA was disabled, and even turned off AF filtering, but the problem still persists... anyone have another idea? thanks guys. :)

Edited by Cornflake_7
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This is the texture that is made this way.


Here, have a look.





As for terrain, I don't know.. Quarl's texture don't seams that much except for certain parts and I played so much with my textures that I'm not even sure which are which anymore or if i edited it or not.

You could try to install detailed terrain http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15245

Edited by Caithe
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