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Voice Actor available


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Hello all,


I just wanted to post this up to announce my availability for a little voice acting. I would love to work on something big and impressive and particularly enjoy working in teams with other good actors and creating a convincing identity for a character. I think that a lot of the voice acting in the mods needs a professional touch and although I work full-time, so I don't have loads of time to devote to this, I can nonetheless guarantee a professional touch and considerable experience. I've worked on a wide range of mods for the old Thief game way back including two full campaigns (basically full-game overhauls) and some missions.


I am British with a Northern accent but other accents are no problem at all for me particularly Scottish, English aristocratic, Birmingham, Liverpool and Middlesbrough (where I'm from). Rough characters, old characters and a whole host of other characters should present no problem either. My specialism is in rewriting lines for extra credibility and in using authentic olde English, which works well in Thief although this probably wouldn't work too well in Oblivion. I'm not here to reinvent the wheel for you but I'm sure I could do a good job for something good. So drop me an email at [email protected] if you need me.

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