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Unreasonable Performance Issues


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My rig is not the best, it's pretty mid-range, but the problems I'm having are totally unreasonable.


My specs:Core 2 Duo e4700 2.6GHz


Radeon HD 4770 512MB

Windows Vista SP2

PSU Corsair 650W, so it's not due to underpowered hardware.


Just for comparison purposes, I run Just Cause 2 (it has some absurdly great graphics, for those who don't know) on MAXIMUM SETTINGS! And don't have problems with other games as well.I know that the engine has it's problems, but I don't have this problem in FO3, and I see a lot of people running the game smoothly on youtube, Gopher, for one (I watched all his tutorials btw, even already knowing what were explained in them, they're awesome, so is Gopher). I know Gopher has a powerful rig, but mine surpasses the recommended requirements.That said, I'm having serious stutters (my FPS is capped at 30). Even after putting all the settings on medium, disabling V-Sync (trough .ini,, both default and the normal one), setting screen effects to none, no AA, it doesnt help. It's not unplayable, but, wth! This is not suposed to happen!I'm pretty familiar with modding Fallout, and I DID TRY:


-4GB enabler (nvse version)

-Fake Fullscreen (and game companion, which has fake fullscreen built in)


-ini tweaks that everyone knows about (it seemed to worsen the problem, but the problem was there already).


I know there's not much else to do. Now, to the questions:


-I dont defrag the disk for quite a while now, I know that people say it helps with FPS, but honestly, how much does it REALLY help? Am I having this unreasonable bad perfomrce due to fragmented HD alone?

-There are other ways that I don't know of (for getting a better performance)?

-Are there people going tru the same there I am?BTW, my video card drivers are updated.I apreciate any help you can give me.


Thanks in advance.


EDIT: And you know what's strange? The game sets high graphics by default. I'm not running ANY mods, either.

Edited by michel92
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Not defragging your hard drive can absolutely make this game perform like a brick. The game uses a LOT of file i/o to load information in the background.


I have an HD 5770 1GB and a 2.2GHz Phenom, so the only real way to make the game less sluggish on my system would be to install an SSD to facilitate all the background loading.



If you're experiencing a lot of stuttering and disk thrashing when turning in place outdoors, consider lowering your view distances so that the engine doesn't try to load as much data so quickly.

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Thanks very much for your reply =D


I see know, I can imagine, after all we dump more and more things into the data folder, I didn't thought of that. My LOD distances are not that high, just sufficient to prevent enemies popping up under my nose. Well, I'm defragging now...22% total fragmentation, 44% complete. It's been a while since I started, I'd better to this more often.I'm using Defraggler, I think it's a good one. Do you have any "defragmentator" to recommend?


Thanks in advance.


Edit: I wish I had an SSD either. But man, I don't know where you live, but down here in Brazil things are expensive. Expensive in a way that you can't imagine. But I do know that even in the US SSDs are heavy priced, but THE TECHNOLOGY IS INCRIDIBLE!


Edit 2: Well, I just have to say that DEFRAGGING DID IT! OMG I am very glad, thanks very much luthienanarion. I was even having some strange behavior in Dead Island as well (micro freezing), but defragging solved it completely, and Fallout New Vegas stutter (along with the latest version of stutter remover as well) did the trick perfectly and completly. I'm using Auslogics Disk Defrag (very fast one), and I simply defrag in every boot, not letting it accumulate anymore. Top shape computer is what I got.


Thanks very much.


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Edited by michel92
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