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Edit stock NPC mouseover icons (crown/talk icon)


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I have a quick question. I try to replace the NPC mouseover "crown" icon for Quest givers to the standard NPC mouseover "talk" icon.


- I extracted the all_activate_icons.dds and all_small_activate_icons.dds files using BSACommander.

- After that I imported both files in Photoshop using the nVidia DDS plugin.

- In Photoshop I copied the normal icon over the crown icon so the normal icon would appear two times in the row of icons.

- I saved as DDS using DXT3 and No MIP Maps

- Placed the files in the correct directory.


Now ingame, I get the visuals of the normal icon when hovering over a Quest NPC, but I get the shape of the crown icon. Is there another file I should edit to get the normal icon shape and which file would that be?


(this is my first view into the world of oblivion modding from the modders perspective, and although I've read plenty of wiki pages, forum topics, etc, I haven't figured this one out yet.)


Thanks in advance.


Well, it got solved a second after I posted this topic. It was because I didn't edit the Alpha channel in Photoshop. Sorry for the useless thread, but maybe someone else is helped by this when searching for this in the future :)

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