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Hyrule Kingdom map

Legendary Slyther

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:confused: Well, now I know where to find the Cs, but I sorted that particular problem (whether anything can be done about people hosting mods without permission) a while ago... it's the Zelda EULA I need to have a look at now... I think I'm gonna go have a quick look in the manual while I remember, actually. :)


EDIT: Well, it didn't come with the game, which means it must not have one... it's good to see that not all developers are as paranoid as PC game developers are, but international copyright laws still apply, even if theres nothing specific mentioned. :)

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Well, of course! :smile:


Now it makes sense to me. The models will kinda look the same, but you should've told me about the textures before I start to upload them for nothing. However, I'll use the same names. It's just only ONE thing I want. I don't want to hurt Nintendo too much, maybe they might take the names a little menace, but I e-mailed them. I told them I'm just only using the names. That's it. Nothing more. But I don't seem to get a response from NOA. I'm still waiting for that special permission, but while I do, I'm just gonna keep working the way I am. The GIMP works! I'm impressed! Even I added transparency, to both RotHK and AotUSF, however, I just threw in my AotUSF logo, and it kicks ass! But I don't know how to make armor textures valid. That's one thing I need to look into.


I spent too much time working on Assault of the U.S.F., and I think I should get back to working on RotHK. But modeling a goron race is difficult, but I'll do my best. That's why without a given reason to why it's illegal, I downloaded the Twilight Princess models pack. However, it's protected by Nintendo, but somebody else was kind enough to re-make them. He didn't get any sh*t from Nintendo. Maybe he works for Nintendo. I don't know the specific results.


Btw : I don't have a lawyer, and I never been to court before.

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If the models were made completely from scratch, and aren't just Nintendo's original models, then it's perfectly legal, and you're perfectly within your rights to use them. In fact you should, it'll help get this done so much quicker. :)


Then that's what I'll do.


By the way, I skipped some of my work on Ordon village, and Kakariko, so I'm moving my work on the Gerudo desert. What's let undone, that shall be done. I haven't yet found the Zelda EULA, but when I find it, I'll keep you informed, Terminator. But I wondered if working for Nintendo and borrowing the TP models onto this. Would that cut the copyright crap? No! Of course not. You may lose your job working for Nintendo, and serve a 5 year jail sentence. So, I pretty much figure working for Nintendo won't let you off the hook getting away with stealing their assets.

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Interesting. Well done, but keep going!


Oh, I will for sure. Also, I'll keep showing previews of the landscapes as I work and update.

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