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drop quest items in Stalker CoP


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Using the stalker CoP complete mod I gave myself too many tools on accident, not realizing I cannot drop them or sell them until I was really far in the game with no backup saves. ( stupid right? ) So does anyone know which config files I can change to allow them to be dropped or sold? Someone on another board said I could change something int he configs too ;no quest_ltx carry but he didn't specify where to put that line or which to replace it with. The other issue I am having is that I cannot even look at the config files because when I open them in word they are encoded, and i cannot figure out how to change them to English. Maybe I am in the wrong files?




Btw would anyone be so kind as to tell me there opinions on the other stalker games? SoC and Clear sky? Clear Sky looks cool, not so sure about SoC.

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Shadow of Chernobyl is definitely worth getting. It's not really as open as CoP, and it misses some of the cool game mechanics, but it's still a great game. Especially with the SoC Complete mod.


I agree with CommanderCrazy though, don't bother with Clear Sky. It's by far the buggiest game out of the three.


By the way, story wise, Clear Sky takes place first, then SoC, then CoP.

Edited by Povuholo
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