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Having Trouble


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I'm having trouble finding mods that work well together and don't crash oblivion i want mods to help with graphic improvements and some weapon. armour , race and UI mods but dont know the best ones and what ones will go well together is there anyone that can help me with this???


any help will be much appreciated


thanks :happy:

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I'm having trouble finding mods that work well together and don't crash oblivion i want mods to help with graphic improvements and some weapon. armour , race and UI mods but dont know the best ones and what ones will go well together is there anyone that can help me with this???


any help will be much appreciated


thanks :happy:

If you're running into crashes because of UI and Graphic mods, you should probably take a step back and think about what is causing these before listening to any suggestions people may have. Most graphic mods just replace textures, most UI mods just replace some of the XML files. Neither of these can actually cause a system to crash because of conflicts. Where two graphic mods overlap, one file merely replaces another. Instead you might want to considder what sort of hardware you are using, or what game patch you're using. Game patch is easy, use 1.1 if you don't have SI, use 1.2 if you do have SI. 1.1 patch fixes some of the stability issues which were present in 1.0 and can be the cause of some crashing. 1.2 patch is still a bit bugged, but is required for SI, so you don't have much choice there. Hardware is the more difficult thing to deal with. Oblivion is a fairly high resource dependant game. Meaning that if you're running with the minimum or close to minimum requirements, you'll have problems. It is suggested that you get atleast 2gb system ram and a videocard with atleast 512 videoram before installing any mods. If you're using something like Quarls texture packs, or similarly high detailed replacements, you might even want to add them slowly to make sure your card can handle it. The thing with ram is that once it fills up, the game just crashes on you without much explaination. As mods have to be stored in ram, the more mods you have running, the faster it can fill up.


As for installing mods. It's really best to only use one mod per what it affects. This means only one UI mod, most people just use Dark UI because it covers almost every aspect of the UI. Installing piecemeal UI mods can still be done, but you need to keep track of what is doing what. As far as texture packs go, you should really make sure your system can handle one before trying any others. If you can't run Oblivion at highest settings, grass on, with atleast 20 fps (while moving/fighting), you may want to just avoid texture mods entirely. Any sort higher def texture mod will only end up taxing your videocard more (since it has to load much larger images). There are some tweaks you can do to inprove performance enough to add a few necessary graphic mods (like higher resolution LODs) but those usually require toning down one aspect or another.

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