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Request -- Appearance vs Stats Mod


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One of the many things I love about Fallout is the unique look of each armor, hat, glasses etc. One of the things I hate is that many armors have terrible DT and stats but look cool or fit for RP purposes. I would like to request a mod that would allow the player to WEAR an outfit that has 0 weight 0 DT and no stats (100% cosmetic). The player could also equip any other suit of armor that is used for stats, DT etc.


For example: You EQUIP power armor T51d you get the STR bonus, DT, Rad Resist, and the hit to Agility. But because your playing a Tribal born character you can DRESS in a tribal outfit and your character will be displayed as wearing Tribal gear.


I dont know if this will be possible, but i think it would be an amazing mod if anyone could make it happen. Roaming the wastes looking the way you want to look without taking a hit to your stats. Nice for harder difficulty

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