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TES Construction set crash on start up


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Hi I recently downloaded the construction set 1.2 I opened it up and began the steps to create a new cm partner. (listed here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/CM_Partners_-_How_to_make_one_with_a_custom_race) I exited out of the construction set to do the wrye bash step and when I tried to go back into the construction set it crashed immediately saying that it has stopped working and had to close. I've reinstalled it, the ini file is in the proper place, ssce5432.dll is in the folder, oblivion and the set are installed in C:\Games, and are both up to date. It worked fine 2 minutes before and all of a sudden it wouldn't boot up like I said it just crashes when I try to start it. I have 4GB of ram and two 8800GT SLI cards any help would be great I've been lurking the net and the forums but haven't found anything specifically similar to this problem...



thanks guys!

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