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Realistic Movement Mod?


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I don't know if there are specific terms to describe it. I think this falls both under animation/AI?


Basically, in all of the recent bethesda games: TES, FO3, NV, etc, the way NPC's moved was unrealistic. They could run to the left, and then immediately shift right as if they had no momentum. When they turn or move around obstacles, they move in a square path rather than circular. It can make hitting a moving target pretty hard when they shift directions unpredictably. In most modern shooter games, like COD, the enemies in the campaign adhere to more realistic physics, for reference.


Any mods that try to fix this?

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Just what is possible in terms of animation, exactly? I also would like a full motion range, even if it's justjust vanilla + diagonal instead of 4 way cardinal directions... seriously, it's like a handheld pokemon game. Even last gen console games (including POKEMON/gamecube IIRC) had at least 8 way range of motion, is the Gamebryo engine really that old?
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I don't think the animation is as important. The major gripe is how they can suddenly shift into any direction without stopping/slowing down. It'd look silly without some sort of animation that shows their legs/feet trying to stop momentum and begin pushing in the other way though. Then theres the way the AI paths around objects, or running forward/strafing left, then running forward/strafing right without actually turning into the direction.


Diagonal running animations are a nice aesthetic improvement, though.

Edited by Extacide
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