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I am working on a new cooking mod and need some equiptment and food models. For the equiptment right now I need an old fashion hand crank meat grinder, ice cream maker, and a butter churn. On the food side I need world models for soft taco, burrito, omlette (without claw), burgers, fries and potentially other items. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



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@G33k3dGam3r: I take it you don't do textures? For some of it I might be able to figure something out, but I am not very good at that part either. The ice cream maker and butter churn would be mostly wood textures with a little bit of metal texture in there on the ice cream maker handle and lid. The meat grinder would be mostly metal with a tiny bit of wood on the handle.


What I am doing is adding scripts to items like the cutting board which open custom crafting menus for that item ( cutting board opens cutting board recipes which allow you to cut larger pieces of meat into smaller pieces of meat which are easier to cook properly, ie they only require 15 survival to cook ) The grinder will be given grinder recipes that can be used to grind meats or other items ( like honey mesquite pods being ground into flour ) for use in other recipes.

Edited by teknofil
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I might redo the burrito... It looks weird to me....


Most of it looks great, but you are right about the burrito. It doesn't quite look right. The fries could be loose too, instead of in a box since the box would be hard to come by in the game. A loose pile of fries that was a little smaller in diameter than a plate would be perfect. It would look great for screenshots and add to the realism of the game.


I may have to make some of the schematics for kitchen equiptment require Lonesome Road. I found an Arc Welder in there as a weapon and might require that one of those be in your possession in order to make the grinder from several piles of spare parts and a few other things.


So far I have scripting done which allows the following items to be used to access crafting menus or picked up and put in inventory as well as placeholder world models and schemtatics for the items which didn't exist in the world before.


Cutting boards allow access to the cutting board recipes.

Hot plates allow access to the campfire recipes.

Grinders allow access to the grinder recipes using the wood chipper model for now.

Oil Press allows access to the oil press recipes using the steam guage assembly model for now.

Cask allows access to cask recipes uses wooden barrel model.


Cutting Board Recipes.

Cutlets - made from meat (gecko, brahmin, coyote, etc...). One pound of meat renders 4 quarter lb cutlettes which only require 15 survival to cook.

Stew meat - made from meat. One pound of meat renders 4 quarter lb servings of stew meat.

Strips - made from many meats. One pound renders 4 quarter lb servings of strips, which will be used for tacos, stir fries etc...


This will allow players to use more sources of meat at low levels. I plan on adding more recipes which require more skill to cut and cook like perhaps Filet Minbrah (New Vegas version of Filet Mignon) I just have to come up with what will be special about it.


Grinder Recipes

Ground Meats (Gecko, Brahmin etc...) allows the player to make Burgers, Chili, Sausage, ect...

Ground Honey Mesquite Flour (I looked up the potential uses for the plants in NV and Honey Mesquite Pods are actually ground into flour)

Ground maize to make corn meal.

Grinding dried banana yucca wafers (made by cooking banana yucca fruit) into Wasteland Sugar (the American Indians actually dried and ground banana yucca fruit to use as a sweetner).

And any other grinder recipes I come up with.


Oil Press Recipes.

Buffalo Gourd Seeds can be pressed to get oil (actually done irl).

Corn Germ can be press to get corn oil. Corn germ is recieved during the process of making corn meal and corn flour , masa.

Agave plant can be pressed to recieve Agave Nectar (which can be used as a liquid sweetener).

The oil press can also be used to get more water from cactus than is achieved normally. Normally you need 2 prickly pear fruits and a bottle, for the press recipe you need 3 fruits and 2 bottles since the press is more efficient at extracting moisture from the fruits.


Cask Recipes

Malt Vinegar - made with purified water and beer.

Wine Vinegar - made with purified water and wine.

Hotsauce - made with Jalapenos, purified water and malt vinegar.

Howling Hotsauce - made with lots of jalapenos, purified water and malt vinegar.



Campfire recipes

Refried Beans - made with pinto beans and one of the two oils.

Corn tortillas - made with masa (corn flour) and an oil.

Flour tortillas - made with honey mesquite flour and an oil.

Tortilla chips - made with masa, corn meal, and an oil.

Chili - made from ground meat, hot sauce, beans, maize, and barrel cactus fruit (in place of tomatoes).

Salsa - made from jalapenos, malt vinegar, banana yucca fruit, barrel cactus fruit, and honey mesquite pods.

Tacos - made from meat strips, tortillas, and salsa.

burritos - made from tortillas and refried beans.



And that is just a few of the things I am working on.

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