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playable animals!


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Thanks for the links i'll use them as reference and try to make something for myself. If i do ever release a mod i'll be sure to credit the original authors of course!

I'm not afraid to tweak and edit just not confident to start such a huge mod by myself. But this sounds like fun so i'll try.

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The problem with any such mod is that the creature you use has to use the same skeleton as people since the skeleton the player uses is one of those things that you just can't adjust. You also kinda need to have the ability to reweight meshes to that skeleton. Unfortunately, you can't do any custom animations for attacks, or movement. So essentially, not a whole heck of alot you can really do.
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Actually, most of them are done through some combination of disabling the player/controls, placing an AI-less leveled creature, and controlling it through certain keys (That don't influence the player, due to disabled controls.) They also move the disabled (or invisible/ghosted. Not sure, really) player along with the creature). At least that's what it looked like in Terran Vampires. At any rate, it's full-on control of a creature's movement and attacking, and wouldn't be too hard to add the special abilities of each creature. When you morph back, it checks the creature's health percentage to the player's and adjusts accorningly. (At least, as said before, in Terran Vampires. I never actually tried Polymorph Self)
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  • 2 months later...

This is precisely also the same type of mod I am looking for! It would be cool to run around as a brown bear or a wolf.


I will not be able to play polymorph self as I do not have OBSE, but I will try polymorph spell v3 by Jadrax. If I cannot turn my PC into animals I will try turning NPCs into animals.

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